
airport 飛機場,航空站。


As for haiti, we finally yielded to its blackmail and agreed to resume our aid to the airport at port au prince . 至于海地,我們最后只好對它的訛詐作出讓步,同意恢復我們對太子港機場工程的援助。

It was a dramatic change from the disciplined formality of berlin to the exuberant chaos of the rome airport . 從柏林的井井有條,循規蹈矩,一下到了熱情洋溢,亂七八糟的羅馬機場,變化是太大了。

It was a dramatic change from the disciplined formality of berlin to the exuberant chaos of the rome airport . 從柏林的井井有條、循規蹈矩,一下到了熱情洋溢、亂七八糟的羅馬機場,變化太大了。

It was a dramatic change from the disciplined formality of berlin to the exuberant chaos of the rome airport . 從柏林的井井有條、循規蹈矩,一下到了熱情洋溢、亂七八糟的羅馬機場變化是太大了。

Denis and her secretary diana had come to see her off, and they had all arrived at heathrow airport in plenty of time . 丹尼斯和秘書黛安娜到機場給她送行。他們三人很早來到希思羅機場。

Early the following morning a chauffeured limousine conveyed andrew and lelia to heathrow airport . 第二天清早,一輛配有司機的豪華轎車把安德魯和莉麗亞送往希思羅機場。

On july 19, a strong force of american bombers attacked the railway yards and airport at rome . 7月19日,一個強大的美國轟炸機隊襲擊了羅馬火車站的停車場和羅馬飛機場。

Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken by the noise of jet planes passing overhead . 機場附近的房屋的窗戶有時被在上空飛過的噴氣式飛機的響聲震破。

He got to the airport first, and stopped her flight until a four-engined plane could be procured . 他先趕到機場,阻止她啟程,直到調來一架四引擎的飛機才讓她出發。

They rode out exhaustedly to the airport with a surly cab driver, who overcharged them . 他們只得出高價叫一個脾氣暴躁的出租汽車司機把疲憊的他們送回機場。

The airport at cairo was blacked out when i arrived late tuesday, november 6 . 當我于十一月六日星期二很晚的時間到達開羅飛機場的時候,那里正實行燈火管制。

Kennedy international airport handles over 35 percent of the country's overseas air travel . 肯尼迪國際機場吞吐全美百分之三十五以上的國際客運。

Koch breezed through the three airport metal detectors and into the departure lounge . 科克輕松地通過了三道機場金屬探測器關口,進入了候機大廳。

Worthless cars abandoned on parking lots were currently a plague at every big city airport . 丟在停車場的廢舊汽車如今成了城市空港的一個禍害。

Security devices at airports are intended to spot weapons that could be used by hijackers . 機場的保安設施是用來探查劫機者可能使用的武器的。

The robbers wanted safe conduct to the airport for themselves and their hostages . 劫匪要求保證他們自己以及他們劫持的人質去機場的安全。

He drove out past the bombed-out buildings of berlin to the airport at rangsdorf . 他驅車繞道經過柏林許多被炸毀的樓房前往蘭斯道夫機場。

Gorbachev and raisa descended together from their plane at heathrow airport . 戈爾巴喬夫和賴沙一起從停在希恩羅機場的飛機上走下來。

She all but collapsed into the embassy car that met her at the moscow airport . 大使館派車到莫斯科機場來接她,她一上車就幾乎垮了。