
airplane n. 〔美國〕 飛機〔英國說 aeroplane〕。2....


This perfect control made their sliding safe and allowed them to proceed to the powered airplane . 這種完善的操縱機構,使他們能安全滑翔并進一步制造有動力裝置的飛機。

All in all the an airplane must have many abilities and years of experience before he can be appointed . 概括而言,飛機駕駛員必須具有多方面的能力及數年經驗方能勝任。

They would follow the progress of a particular airplane to learn how their work had stood up . 他們總是一直在了解那架飛機的運轉情況,了解他們的活干得怎么樣。

Airplanes drag along a very thin shield of motionless air known as a boundary layer . 飛機拽著一層很薄的緊貼機面不動的空氣一道向前運動,這層空氣叫做附面層。

To keep the engine running, the airplane or missile rams through the atmosphere at a high speed . 為了使發動機不斷地運轉,飛機或導彈以很高的速度沖過大氣層。

As a consequence of this angular velocity, the field of the relative air flow past the airplane is curved . 由于存在角速度,通過飛機的相對氣流流場是彎曲的。

There is interest in solid drilling or broadcasting soybeans either by field equipment or by airplane . 對大豆使用農田機械條播或用飛機撒播是有興趣的事。

Conversely, on an airplane going east the north-seeking effect might be expected to increase . 相反,如果飛機向東飛行,這北向瞄準的效果好象會增加。

Airplanes do not ordinarily fly close to the ground in strong winds except in the upwind direction . 除逆風飛行外,飛機在強風中一般不接近地面飛行。

They now claimed to be making airplanes faster than the enemy was knocking them down . 他們現在宣稱,他們制造飛機的速度要比被敵人擊落的速度快。

In fact, it is not uncommon for a complete circular rainbow to be seen from an airplane . 事實上,從飛機上看完整的圓虹霓是司空見慣的。

Many ground soldiers belittled the potentialities of the airplane against ground formations . 許多陸軍人員輕視飛機攻擊地面部隊的能力。

The attention of the crowd gravitated to the new jet airplane as it rose . 當那架新型噴氣機起飛時,人群的注意力都被它吸引過去了。

But now your president sneaks a few old airplanes and ships to england . 可是現在,你們總統只能偷偷地把一些舊飛機和船只給英國。

After many lessons, the pilot made his first solo flight in the airplane . 經過很多訓練以后,那個飛行員第一次在飛行中作了單飛。

Today's favored launching techniques are the airplane tow and the automobile tow . 現在常用的起飛方法是用飛機牽引和汽車牽引。

The need for airplanes in vast numbers competed with all other needs . 我們需要大量飛機的迫切程度,可說是壓倒了其他的一切。

We must carry out the measurement with a photometer on an airplane . 要進行這種測量,我們必須使用一臺裝在飛機上的光度計。

The airplane extended the distances that people could travel in a short period . 飛機使人們能在短時間內作遠距離的旅行。