
airlift vt. 空運。2.n. 空運;空中補給線;空氣升液器。


More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 據中國駐太平洋島國大使館的消息稱, 200多名中國公民將于周四乘坐專機離開發生暴亂的湯加。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 周四一架特許的飛機將200名中國人運離麻煩城市湯加,該消息來源于太平洋島國的中國大使館。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 中國駐太平洋島國大使說, 200多名中國公民將于周四乘坐一架特許飛機撤離是非之地的湯加。

Electronic commerce is a new and certainly trendy name , but the practice it refers to originated a half century ago in the berlin airlift ( seideman , 1996 ) 電子商務是一個新名詞,當然同時也是一個流行詞,但是它所指代的行為早在半個世紀以前柏林機場就發源了。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 據中國駐太平洋島國的消息,超過200名中國國籍公民將由特派飛機運送出是非地湯加。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 據中國駐太平洋島國大使館消息, 200多位中國公民于周二乘包機離開動蕩不安的湯加。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 據中國駐太平洋島國大使稱, 200多位華僑將于周四乘坐一架特許飛機撤離動蕩的湯加。

A northern california hiker attacked by a mountain lion last week was airlifted to a san francisco hospital sunday . he is likely to have further surgery 上周在加州北部一名被野獅襲擊的徒步旅行者被空運送往三番市的一家醫院救治。他將接受進一步的手術。

The relief materials were then delivered to the airport and later airlifted to the affected areas to help solve some of the shelter problems of the victims 大家通宵進行包裝的工作,然后隨即將救助物品運送到機場轉送往災區,協助解決災民棲身的問題。

Goods traveled via an airlift that became known as the hump , and the accomplishments of those who kept the hump route up and running are truly remarkable 補給物資由飛行器飛越所謂的“駝峰航線” ,能夠這條駝峰航線保持空運,也是非常了不起的成就。

More than 200 chinese nationals will be airlifted from trouble - torn tonga on a chartered plane thursday , sources with the chinese embassy in the pacific island - state said 周二,中國駐太平洋大使館稱:近200多名中國公民將乘包機從湯加撤退。

Wfp is buying 16 snowplows to clear roads , while usaid is studying plans for possible airlifts , and the use of mules to deliver food supplies 明日的運輸系統也必須符合永續的要件,能配合我們為下一代子孫保存和保護地球環境的需求。

A total of us 50 , 000 was needed to airlift emergency provisions to the affected areas , but the relief program fell short of the target by us 30 , 000 為阿富汗災情告急-大雪加上地震目前運送賑災品之空運費用五萬美元僅募得二萬美金,

Next week , we will deliver an airlift of some 40 tons of medicines , medical supplies and other relief materials to the people of afghanistan 下星期我們將空運一批40噸的藥品醫療器材和其他救難物資給阿富汗的人民。

European nato countries have more than 1 , 000 transport helicopters , but still rely heavily on american airlift in afghanistan 歐洲的北約國家也有超過1000架直升機,但在阿富汗仍然嚴重依賴美軍的空中補給。

The turkish government had waived all customs formalities for relief materials and instructed turkish airlines to provide free airlifts 土耳其航空公司被指派免費運送救援物資,更無需通關手續。

A cargo vessel sank west of lantau island , but its five crew were airlifted by a government flying service helicopter 一艘貨輪在大嶼山以西沉沒,但五名船員全獲飛行服務隊拯救。

Effect of airlift photobioreator ' s diameter ratio of inner tube to outer tube on the growth of isochrysis galbana 氣升式光生物反應器內外徑比對球等鞭金藻生長的影響

The lack of airlift , for instance , has made it difficult for some countries to move their men and equipment 例如,空運的缺乏使一些國家難以調動軍隊、輸送設備。