
airily adv.輕快地;活潑地,快活地。

Committee chairman edward leigh said : “ this so - called water feature will literally be a drain on the resources of the royal parks agency for years to come . “ this is a typical example of the great and the good airily embarking on a prestige project which will take away money badly needed for the upkeep of national recreational facilities enjoyed by millions . 該委員會主席愛德華雷說,這所謂的噴泉流水實際上會把皇家公園管理機構未來很多年的資金都沖走, “這是個典型的例子,興致勃勃地啟動一個偉大而著名的工程,然后拿走那些用來維護公眾娛樂設施的急需的錢財” 。

“ that s right - that s the way to take it , “ the cub announced airily , though he had already begun to glance anxiously at the door “不錯,這才是處理問題的辦法, ”半瓶醋記者吊兒郎當地宣布,雖然他已開始不放心地打量著房門。

“ it s rather absurd , mr . eden , to have caught us in this shape , “ mr . ford preambled airily “叫你撞見我們這種情況,真是有點荒乎其唐,伊登先生, ”福特先生笑瞇瞇地說開了。

“ oh , a little of this , a little of that , “ said dumbledore airily “噢,教一點這個,教一點那個唄。 ”鄧布利多輕描淡寫地說。

“ i ve got to go , “ she said , moving away from him airily “我得走了, ”她說著輕盈地從他身邊走開。

“ he ' ll be sacked all right , “ said kath airily “他當然會被開除的, ”凱絲神氣十足地說。

“he'll be sacked all right,“ said kath airily . “他當然會被開除的,”凱絲神氣十足地說。


Committee chairman edward leigh said : “ this so - called water feature will literally be a drain on the resources of the royal parks agency for years to come . “ this is a typical example of the great and the good airily embarking on a prestige project which will take away money badly needed for the upkeep of national recreational facilities enjoyed by millions . 該委員會主席愛德華雷說,這所謂的噴泉流水實際上會把皇家公園管理機構未來很多年的資金都沖走, “這是個典型的例子,興致勃勃地啟動一個偉大而著名的工程,然后拿走那些用來維護公眾娛樂設施的急需的錢財” 。

Mr bayard , who is a professor of french literature at the university of paris ( his book was a bestseller in france earlier this year ) , says airily that he must often talk about books he has at best skimmed , at worst not even opened ? sometimes even with the books ' authors 巴黎大學的法國文學教授巴雅得(他的書是今年早些時候的暢銷書)輕快地說,他必須經常談論他所翻閱過的書籍,哪怕不是在公開場合下? ?有時候甚至是跟書的作者。

Little pearl s unwonted mood of sentiment lasted no longer ; she laughed , and went capering down the hall , so airily , that old mr . wilson raised a question whether even her tiptoes touched the floor 小珠兒這種不尋常的溫情脈脈到此為止,她放聲笑著,朝大廳另一頭輕捷地蹦跳而去,威爾遜老先生甚至懷疑,她的腳尖是否觸到了地板。

Coming so far through the clear , sunny atmosphere among the green tree - tops , i thought it had sounded airily and sweetly ; and the effect on my companions was the stranger 天氣晴朗,陽光明媚。歌聲從蒼翠的樹林中飄過來,我覺得悠揚動聽,因此就更加不能理解為什么他們會如此害怕。

Few stars , however , admit to having such procedures , airily proclaiming that their remarkably preserved looks are the results of rigorous exercise , diet or good genes 而且,她們還會對外表白,自己的漂亮臉蛋歸功于嚴格的鍛煉健康的飲食和優良的基因等其它因素。

Presently the chambers gave up their fair tenants one after another : each came out gaily and airily , with dress that gleamed lustrous through the dusk 一會兒工夫,房間里的女房客們一個接一個出來了,個個心情歡快,步履輕盈,身上的衣裝在昏黃的暮色中閃閃發光。

“ that s right - that s the way to take it , “ the cub announced airily , though he had already begun to glance anxiously at the door “不錯,這才是處理問題的辦法, ”半瓶醋記者吊兒郎當地宣布,雖然他已開始不放心地打量著房門。

China was pleased that mr paulson and mr bernanke both spoke , albeit airily , of america ' s desire to raise that savings rate 雖然保爾森和伯南克說美國將會提高儲蓄率的話是隨口說說,但是中方還是很高興他們能夠正視自己了。

The christmas festival stand on tiptoe toe , walking airily , please face her speak your expectation in the heart gently and gently 圣誕節踮著腳尖,輕快地走來,請迎著她輕輕地,輕輕地說出你心中的期待!

With accompany of the breeze , she kisses your cheek airily , and slush flows into your mouth , which moisten your heart 伴隨著微風,她輕盈地親吻著你的臉頰,雪水流進你的嘴角,滋潤著你的心田。

“ it s rather absurd , mr . eden , to have caught us in this shape , “ mr . ford preambled airily “叫你撞見我們這種情況,真是有點荒乎其唐,伊登先生, ”福特先生笑瞇瞇地說開了。

But , unlike the little stream , she danced and sparkled , and prattled airily along her course 但同溪水不同的是,她是一路蹦蹦跳跳地走過來的,她容光煥發,談吐輕快。