
airglow 【氣象學】氣輝。


In section one , by using fice scheme and time - gcm , a model of trace gases and oh airglow affected by gravity wave is set up , then the propagation of nonlinear gravity wave and the effect on trace gases and oh airglow are analyzed . the result shows gravity wave excited by tropospause forcing can propagate stably to the mesosphere through the stratosphere so that energy and momentum can be transferred from one region to another . in this process , gravity wave undergoes growth , overturning , convection and breaking 在第一部分的工作中,利用全隱歐拉格式和全球熱層-電離層-中間層-電動力學環流耦合模式( time - gcm ) ,對重力波的非線性傳播及其在傳播過程中對中高層大氣中氧族和氫族成分和與之密切相關的oh氣輝輻射的影響進行了數值模擬,結果表明,從對流層向上傳播的重力波經歷了產生、發展、飽和、對流產生直至破碎的非線性演化,大氣的非等溫結構加速了重力波在中層頂區的破碎,重力波的非線性傳播是小尺度對流和湍流產生的一個重要的源。

Remote sensing in ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet can help us recognize many spatial phenomenon , such as dayside and nightside airglow , aurora . so it ' s very important 因此,紫外-真空紫外波段的空間遙感探測對認識太陽和地球大氣以及宇宙空間具有重要的應用價值。

The resulting radiation is known as airglow . 其發出的輻射稱為氣輝。