
airfoil 【航空】機翼;翼形,翼剖面。


The mathematical transformation is fixed and the airfoil is moved to generate different airfoil geometries 數學變換是固定機翼的翼型幾何移到產生不同

On using distributed ga genetic algorithm to raise efficiency in optimizing multi - element airfoil configuration 基于分布式遺傳算法的多段翼型優化設計

The joukowski airfoil problem is the simplest application of conformal mapping to airfoil design Joukowski問題是最簡單的翼型形映射應用到機翼設計

An alternative approach is to fix the geometry and change the transformation to get different airfoils 另一種方法是把幾何學得到改造,改變翼型不同

Modal controller design of defective system and its application in flutter control of an airfoil 虧損系統模態控制設計及其在機翼顫振控制中的應用

Icing research on airfoil and multi - element airfoil based on flow field and aerodynamic performance 結冰對翼型和多段翼型繞流及氣動特性影響研究

Nevertheless , a surprisingly wide variety of airfoils can be designed with just four segments 然而,出乎意料的是各種各樣的翼型設計可以僅4部分

Abstract : an effective aerodynamic optimization design method of transonic airfoil is given 文摘:提出了一種有效的跨音速翼型氣動優化設計方法。

Simulation of separated flows for the nrel airfoil using anisotropic two - equation turbulence models 非線性雙方程湍流模型用于翼型分離流動模擬

Of course , for more complex airfoils ( more practical designs ) more parameters are needed 當然,對于較復雜的翼型(更為實用設計)需要更多的參數

Numerical analysis of multi - element airfoil using unstructured grid and euler and n - s equations 基于變形網格技術的非定常流動數值分析方法研究

Lastly , the paper programs to simulate frp airfoil fw moulding by vc + + 最后,本文用vc + +進行編程,從而模擬frp飛機機翼fw成型整個過程。

Several example airfoils will be presented in these notes to illustrate the design method 翼型將在幾個例子來說明這些紙幣的設計方法

The airfoil shape is then adjusted until the desired velocity distribution is obtained 然后是調整翼型的形狀,直到取得預期的速度分布

Thin - airfoil theory 薄翼理論

Thin airfoil theory 薄翼理論

Standard specification for steel forgings , stainless , for compressor and turbine airfoils 壓縮機和渦輪機翼片用不銹鋼鍛件的標準規范

All airfoils in this series will have four segments - the minimum number of segment 所有翼型這四個環節將有一系列的最少數量部分

On speeding up design of airfoil by genetic algorithm with distributed computing 基于遺傳算法和分布式計算的翼型優化設計研究