
airfield 飛機場。


At a wisconsin airfield the wrong alarm - indicating that a nuclear war had begun - rang 在一個威斯康辛州的小機場響起的是,核戰開打的錯誤警報。

Shek kong airfield 石崗機場

Asphalt concrete has been extensively applied in expressway and runway of airfield 瀝青混凝土廣泛應用于高等級公路和機場跑道。

Sand island we ' ve got to keep the airfield safe and the runway open for our pilots 我們去守護機場,讓跑道向我們的飛行員敞開。

The two countries practised blockades , capturing airfields and amphibious landings 演習內容包括海上封鎖,空中奪權和兩棲登陸。

Airfield rescue truck 機場搶救車

I was lucky to find her at the airfield . i only went on the off chance 我在機場找到她真是運氣。我只是抱著萬分之一的希望去的。

Any minute we would surely be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield 我們隨時都會被出入機場的敵機發現。

Airfield control radar 機場指揮雷達

Rainbow over the airfield 雨后出彩虹

Airfield crash tender 機場事故搶救車

Calculation of confirmation to transitional surface range in the airfield clearance rules 機場凈空規定過渡面范圍的計算確定

Soon afterwards , the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield 不久,氣球開始降落,在一個停機坪附近著了陸。

Airfield control communication 機場指揮通信

The civil airport referred to in this law does not include temporary airfield 本法所稱民用機場不包括臨時機場。

An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy 機場是軍事優勢爭奪中的一張有利籌碼。

Pilot : we could use some of the gas cans left at the airfield 駕駛員:我們可以用那些機場里剩下的油桶。

Manned gun emplacements along the access roads , active airfields 沿途有人職守的炮臺活躍的飛機場

The monitoring and evaluation on the airplane noise in inner airfield 機場內部飛機噪聲監測與評價