
airbus 〔口語〕(短程或中程)大型客機。


But now it is considering reducing the number of seats on the new airbus 321 by about 20 to create more room 但是為了省出更多的空間,它打算在新的空中客車321上減少大約20個座位。

Airbus also promised operating costs would be at least 15 % per passenger less than those of its boeing rival 空客也承諾它的每位乘客的運營成本要比它的競爭對手波音公司低至少15 % 。

Boeing has already gone down this route , and airbus ' s intention to assemble a320s in china is a promising start 波音已經這么做了,空客試圖在中國組裝a320也是一個有希望的開始。

Tam airline executives said the airbus 320 aircraft was in perfect condition and the pilots were experienced Tam飛機的執行官說空中客機320是完全安全的,飛行員也是很有經驗的。

He said there was no reason why companies other than boeing and airbus could not enter the business 他表示,沒有理由說明除了波音和空客以外,其它公司就不能進入這一業務領域。

Boeing of the us and europe ' s airbus have a duopoly in the market for big jets of 100 seats or more 在100座以上的大型客機市場,美國的波音和歐洲的空客共同占據了壟斷地位。

European plane maker airbus unveiled its restructuring plan wednesday , including up to 10 - thousand job cuts 歐洲飛機制造商空中客車星期三宣布重組計劃,包括裁員大約1萬人。

Airbus was created with public money to break boeing ' s grip on the civil - aircraft market 空中客車公司就是為了打破波音公司在民用航空器市場的控制,而由公共資金出資創辦的。

Airbus senior vice president and airbus china president laurence barron welcomes a380 captain frank chapman 首飛中國內地機場的a380機長弗蘭克查曼和飛行員蓋伊馬格林

Boeing and airbus foresee total sales of 5 , 500 - 7 , 200 airliners in asia in the next 20 years 波音公司和空客公司預計,在未來20年內,亞洲對飛機的需求將達5500至7200架。

Tam airline executives said the airbus 320 aircraft was in perfect condition and the pilots were experienced Tam航空公司負責人說這架客機狀態良好,飛行員也很有經驗。

So , instead of bringing a more businesslike approach , airbus seems to be going backwards 由此可見,空客并沒能提出一種更具商業化的理念,而似乎是在反其道而行之。

Airbus industries uses tecsis pressure sensors for the test phase of the new a 380 在新的380大型噴氣客機測試階段,空中客車公司使用的是tecsis的壓力傳感器系列。

Having seen the airbus ' s experience , boeing knows only too well the problems it too may face 看到了空客所經歷的這些事情,波音也就很清楚地知道它將面臨的問題了

Airbus is also hoping to reap an economic benefit from a project already plagued with difficulties 同時空中客車也希望從一個困難重重的項目中獲取經濟利益。

Boeing has been in a tight battle with european rival airbus to supply commercial airliners 波音和歐洲的“空中巴士”在商業航空領域處于激烈的競爭當中。

There are more than 10 foreign planes manufactory , such as boeing , airbus , raytheon aircraft , and etc 有國外波音、空客、雷神等近10家飛機制造廠;

Introduction of ctb airbus route no . a10 ap lei chai estate to airport ground transportation centre 開設城巴機場巴士路線第a10號鴨洲往香港國際機場

The airbus a320 was flying from moscow to geneva when the attempted hijacking occurred 劫持發生時,這架a320型空中客車飛機正從莫斯科飛往日內瓦。