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air turbulence 晴空湍流顛簸。

What is “ clear - air turbulence “ 甚么是晴空湍流?

What is “ clear air turbulence “ 甚么是晴空湍流?

What is “ clear - air turbulence “ 甚么是晴空湍流?

air umbrella

An inspector s investigation is being conducted into the cause of the accident which occurred on 18 july whereby an a330 - 300 aircraft with registration b - hya and operated in the name of hong kong dragon airlines ltd , was subjected to severe upper air turbulence resulting in injury to crew and passengers when flying from kota kinabalu to hong kong 民航飛行器意外調查展開二三年八月一日意外調查主任正就有關港龍航空公司航空器登記標簽b - hya于七月十八日從馬來西亞沙巴來港途中遇到強烈氣流導致機組人員及乘客受傷所發生之意外進行調查。

In this paper , we have discussed the influences of supply air temperature , supply air quantity , supply air turbulence , as well as mixing ratio of supply unit . all of above parameters are important for the extension of the adjacent zone . consideration of all the parameters is essential for a good system design which can ensure the advantage of displacement ventilation 本文研究了各種送風參數對鄰接區的大小的影響,結果表明:送風溫差、送風量、送風湍流度以及送風口的摻混量等因素對其都有重要影響,在設計時必須仔細平衡這些因素,確定合適的送風口和送風參數,才能使設計更加合理,充分發揮出置換通風系統的優勢。

Besides local aerodrome forecast , the aviation weather forecaster prepares forecast charts of significant weather enroute . the charts show significant weather which may affect the relevant flight routes in the next 12 hours or so , such as thunder storms , typhoons and clear air turbulence 除提供本地的機場天氣預報外,天氣預報員并繪制航路上重要天氣預報圖,顯示十二小時后可能影響飛行航路地區之重要天氣,例如雷暴、臺風及晴空湍流等。

There are a lot of dangerous weather factors that influence civil flight safety . but in china , mainly there are four kinds of dangerous weather factors , such as low wind shear , thunderstorm , air turbulence , and precipitation 影響航空運輸安全的危險天氣因素較多,而在我國航空運輸中,低空風切變、雷暴、大氣湍流和降水是主要影響飛行安全的危險天氣。

When passing , being passed or meeting long heavy vehicles , be aware that they push a large volume of air , like the bow of a ship , causing air turbulence , particularly affecting small vehicles 越過長車重型車輛時,或當這些車輛超車或迎面駛來時,小心它們引起的一股強烈氣旋。碰上這股氣旋,就像船頭破浪一樣,可以產生湍流,小型車輛尤其會受影響。

Apart from well - known sources like earthquake , tsunami , volcano eruption , many weather systems including typhoon , thunderstorm , tornado , and even clear air turbulence also produce infra - sound 除了地震,海嘯,火出爆發等等,各種氣象系統如臺風,雷暴,卷風甚至晴空湍流都會產生次聲。

This is to protect you from the risk of clear - air turbulence , a rare but extremely nasty form of disturbance that can cause severe injury 這樣可以使您免受晴空湍流的侵襲,這種氣流很少見但威脅極大,有可能造成嚴重傷害。

Never being in any natural disasters or air turbulence , but being cool to experience all of them if it ' s your place to take 平生從未經歷過任何自然災難或亂流,但如果是為了代替你,多可怕我也愿意經歷。

Something out there , something called clear - air turbulence - an invisible trouble - maker for aircraft 是晴空湍流一種看不到但卻可以影響飛機運作的天氣現象。

Prevention of cross - contamination by minimizing air turbulences and setting proper compartmentation 盡量減少空氣湍流及安裝適當的分隔設施以預防交叉污染

In bad weather , vehicle spray reduces visibility . be aware of air turbulence - 天氣惡劣時,前面長車濺起的水花,會阻礙你的視。

And clear - air turbulence 及晴空湍流?

This kind of turbulence is called clear - air turbulence 但湍流也可發生在沒有云的情況下,顧名思義這就是晴空湍流。

How often does severe clear air turbulence occur over tropical oceans 熱帶海洋晴空發生強氣流渦動的頻率如何?

What is “ clear - air turbulence “ 甚么是晴空湍流?

What is “ clear air turbulence “ 甚么是晴空湍流?