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air station 航空站。

As we stood in formation at the air station , our flight instructor said , “ all right ! all you dummies fall out . 當我們在機場站好編隊的時候,我們的飛行指導員說: “好吧!解散吧笨蛋們! ”

air stream

Now a chief experimental officer , christina has undertaken a variety of jobs at different levels during her 25 years with the hong kong observatory . these include assistant forecaster in the central forecasting office , officer in charge of the upper air station and the radiation laboratory at king s park , and aviation forecaster at the airport meteorological office 現時為總學術主任的楊少蕙,二十五年來參與了多個范籌不同層面的工作,包括在天氣預測總部當助理預報員,管理京士柏氣象站及輻射實驗室,以及在機場氣象所擔任航空預報員。

The speech at the naval air station north island here was the president ' s third address about iraq or the war on terrorism in less than two weeks , part of an intensified effort to allay the fears of a public that has become increasingly skeptical about his iraq policies 北部島嶼的海軍空軍駐站演講已經是總統兩個星期之內第三次提到伊拉克或者恐怖主義戰爭,部分地強化努力地去減少公眾的恐謊,變得日益地對他的伊拉克政策產生懷疑。

North kingstown , r . i . - a message in a bottle found after being hidden in a wall at quonset naval air station for more than 60 years came with a question its authors knew could n ' t be answered unless their makeshift time capsule was discovered 近日,美國匡西特海軍機場的一座墻內發現了一只深埋了60年的瓶子。瓶中裝有一張卡片,卡片上寫下了一個問題。提出問題的人知道,瓶子被發現的那一天就是問題得到答案的時候。

Even though we re two different commands - - one in naval air station misawa japan and one out of nas whidbey , we definitely operated as one unit , and america should be very proud of these 23 airmen . they did a great job 盡管我們是兩個不同的指揮部一個是日本三澤的海軍航空站,一個是惠德比海軍航空站,但我們的行動絕對是一體化的,美國應該為這23位機組人員感到非常驕傲。

Before our crew takes off here from hickam air force base and heads to whidbey island naval air station , we wanted to give you an opportunity to hear a few words from mission commander , lt . shane osborn 在我們的機組人員從希卡姆空軍基地動身飛往惠德比島海軍航空站之前,我愿意讓你們有機會聽到使命指揮官沙恩?奧斯本上尉的話。

We welcome progress in relocating marine corps air station futenma to another site in okinawa and we also discussed the plan to eliminate pcb wastes at our bases 在此之后,我想,在布利克斯博士星期四向安理會提出他的報告以后,在接近周末的時候,將會發表聲明。 ”

As we stood in formation at the air station , our flight instructor said , “ all right ! all you dummies fall out . 當我們在機場站好編隊的時候,我們的飛行指導員說: “好吧!解散吧笨蛋們! ”

There is a shuttle service between the city center and the air station 在市中心和飛機場之間有往返的穿梭運行班車。

Where is your storeroom ? xinyifa or air station storeroom of customs 你們的庫房在哪里?新怡發還是海關機場庫

United states coast guard air station 美國海岸警備隊航空站

Code for design of compressed air station 壓縮空氣站設計規范