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air space 1.空域,領空。2.廣播時間。

An international , non - profit - making , non - governmental organization , with the main aim of the development throughout the world of sport aviation and astronautical activities through specific objectives : to make evident the essentially international spirit of aeronautics as a powerful instrument for bringing all people closer in mutual understanding and friendship regardless of political , racial or religious considerations , thereby helping to create international good will and thus build a better and more peaceful world ; to bring together the air sports men and women of the world in international competition ; to educate young people through sport in a spirit of mutual understanding and friendship ; to coordinate its members “ separate efforts to further aeronautics and astronautics throughout the world ; to protect and safeguard the interests of its members in the use of air space ; to provide a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of mutual problems with other elements of civil aeronautics 該聯合會是非盈利性、非官方的組織,主要目的是通過以下特定目標,發展全球航空運動和航天活動:將國際化航空精神作為強有力的工具,使人們摒棄政治、種族或宗教束縛,以促進人與人之間的相互了解和友誼,從而產生國際友好并建設一個更好、更和平的世界;將參加空中體育運動的男性與女性組織起來參加國際比賽;通過空中體育運動教育年輕人懂得如何取得相互的理解和友誼;通過同會員們齊心協力共同為世界航空航天事業發展而努力;保障會員們在空域使用中的利益;為與其他民用航空部門交流信息和討論互動問題提供論壇。

The gross appearance , as seen here in a patient with organizing diffuse alveolar damage , is known as “ honeycomb “ lung because of the appearance of the irregular air spaces between bands of dense fibrous connective tissue 如圖正在機化的彌漫性肺泡損傷病人,外觀是典型的蜂窩肺,因在不規則致密纖維結締組織間有較多含氣孔而得名。

air speed

Introduction : kim possible series of games to look at the little girl real 1 , 10 side and slipped her right operations guide : keyboard control , key air space by launching switches and kicking , key for jumping , squatting next to the right and left to advance and retreat kim possible 3 : 1 . two types of action and the third category of the shooting 麻辣女孩系列游戲,來看看小女孩真實的那一面咯和她一起闖關吧操作指南:鍵盤控制,按空格鍵空啟動開關和踢,方向鍵上為跳,下為蹲,右和左前進和后退三部麻辣女孩:一,二部為動作類,第三部為射擊類。

An international , non - profit - making , non - governmental organization , with the main aim of the development throughout the world of sport aviation and astronautical activities through specific objectives : to make evident the essentially international spirit of aeronautics as a powerful instrument for bringing all people closer in mutual understanding and friendship regardless of political , racial or religious considerations , thereby helping to create international good will and thus build a better and more peaceful world ; to bring together the air sports men and women of the world in international competition ; to educate young people through sport in a spirit of mutual understanding and friendship ; to coordinate its members “ separate efforts to further aeronautics and astronautics throughout the world ; to protect and safeguard the interests of its members in the use of air space ; to provide a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of mutual problems with other elements of civil aeronautics 該聯合會是非盈利性、非官方的組織,主要目的是通過以下特定目標,發展全球航空運動和航天活動:將國際化航空精神作為強有力的工具,使人們摒棄政治、種族或宗教束縛,以促進人與人之間的相互了解和友誼,從而產生國際友好并建設一個更好、更和平的世界;將參加空中體育運動的男性與女性組織起來參加國際比賽;通過空中體育運動教育年輕人懂得如何取得相互的理解和友誼;通過同會員們齊心協力共同為世界航空航天事業發展而努力;保障會員們在空域使用中的利益;為與其他民用航空部門交流信息和討論互動問題提供論壇。

Introduction : kim possible series of games to look at the little girl real 1 , 10 side and slipped her right operations guide : keyboard control , key air space by launching switches and kicking , key for jumping , squatting next to the right and left to advance and retreat kim possible 3 , a , two types of action and the third category of the shooting 攻略:麻辣女孩系列游戲,來看看小女孩真實的那一面咯和她一起闖關吧操作指南:鍵盤控制,按空格鍵空啟動開關和踢,方向鍵上為跳,下為蹲,右和左前進和后退三部麻辣女孩,一,二部為動作類,第三部為射擊類。 。

Exhibitors fee for the exhibition : 9 square meters 3m x 3m : 6 , 200 yuan including exhibition venues , 2 . 5 - meter - high wall , a negotiating table , two chairs , lighting booth , the guildhall words exhibition space venues : 620 yuan m2 forced air space 36 square meters advertising an exhibition , journal of the exhibition include advertisements and advertising venue advertising , prices are welcome to enroll 標準展位: 9平方米3m3m : 6200元人民幣個包括展出場地2 . 5米高壁板洽談桌一張椅子二把展位照明楣板文字展覽空場地: 620元人民幣平方米空場地起租36平方米展會廣告

With the development of radar technology , radar system has been more diversiform and complicated , which make ecm face much more complex electromagnetic environment . how to sort and analyze signal exactly is an important research of ecm . in this paper , we mainly research the signal sorting 、 system simulating and dsp realizing : 1 . the paper introduces the environment of ecm and analyses the character of time domain 、 frequency domain 、 air space 、 power density and polarization detailedly 本文主要就是研究復雜電磁環境下的彈上電子對抗系統信號分選關鍵算法、系統軟件仿真以及dsp的實現,主要包括以下幾個方面: 1 .對電子對抗環境進行了介紹,并對雷達偵察機的信號環境的時域特征、頻域特征、空域特征、功率密度(能量)特征以及極化特征進行了詳細的分析,得出了對雷達偵察接收機信號分選系統設計的主要依據。

In the communication system of cns / atm , vhf data communication is used in busy air space , and aeronautical mobile - satellite service ( amss ) is used in other air spaces , such as ocean and desert , but can improve the flight safety greatly in the navigation system of the cns / atm , global navigation satellite system ( gnss ) is the main elements 在新航行的通信系統中,主要發展數據通信, vhf通信用在繁忙的空域, amss主要用在海洋、荒漠空域,但都能極大地提高飛行安全。

Unlike america , which sought to operate large uavs at long distances through hostile air space , israel ' s drones operated from its own defended territory , and real - time video was transmitted through short line - of - sight data links 美國是想方設法地使用大型無人機遠程進入敵方領空以采取軍事行動,以色列卻和他們不一樣? ?以色列的無人駕駛飛機從自己的防御區域進行軍事行動,而且其實時視頻是通過短視線的數據通信進行傳輸的。

So it is necessary to analyze concrete ' s creep in construction course . to make the structural analysis approach true condition , it is best to simulate the bridge structure to air space composite structure form , so it can offer instruction for construction 為了使結構分析更接近橋梁結構的真實工作狀況,最好把它們模擬成由三維實體元等組成的空間組合結構模型進行計算,給施工提供指導。

The gross appearance , as seen here in a patient with organizing diffuse alveolar damage , is known as “ honeycomb “ lung because of the appearance of the irregular air spaces between bands of dense fibrous connective tissue 如圖正在機化的彌漫性肺泡損傷病人,外觀是典型的蜂窩肺,因在不規則致密纖維結締組織間有較多含氣孔而得名。

The pakistani leader said that the united states had asked pakistan for assistance in three areas : the use of its air space , logistical support and an exchange of intelligence on the terrorist threat from afghanistan 他還透露美國要求巴基斯坦在三個方面給予協助:使用巴方領空,后勤支援,在打擊阿富汗恐怖組織方面交換情報。

The planning intention of this zone is primarily for the provision of outdoor open - air space for active andor passive recreational uses serving the needs of local residents as well as the general public 該地帶的規劃意向,主要是提供戶外公共空間作各種動態及或靜態康樂用途,以配合當地居民和其他市民的需要。

It can even reach air spaces in areas obstructed by dense vegetation or other objects . when the mosquitoes in flight come into contact with the droplets , they will be knocked down and killed 物件所阻,噴霧亦可到達其中空間,而蚊子在飛行中或在植物的葉上停留時若接觸噴霧,就會死亡。

According to the yomiuri , the hot line would aim primarily at preventing incidents such as confrontations between ships and aircraft provoked by intrusions into the other nation ' s waters or air space 據《讀賣新聞》報道,這條軍方熱線旨在防止因闖入對方領海或領空而引起的軍事對持。

The numerical simulation method based on the strip - yield method has begun to be used in the air space structures , but not used in the fatigue questions in the submarine 基于帶狀屈服模型的數字仿真方法在航空航天結構上已經開展運用,但尚未用于潛艇結構疲勞斷裂問題。

A pathological condition of the lungs marked by an abnormal increase in the size of the air spaces , resulting in labored breathing and an increased susceptibility to infection 肺氣腫:肺部的一種病態,特征為肺中的空間不正常地增大,導致呼吸困難并且易于受感染。

Injury to the soft tissue lining of these air spaces in the body is an inherent problem in scuba diving because of the changing volumes of gas while descending and ascending 由于下潛和浮升過程中空氣體積的變化,這些體內空間軟組織的傷害是水肺潛水固有的問題。

If there is an air space between the case and electrode , this will bring an aberration of operation because it can be hardly reproduced the even thickness of air 如果面板和電極之間有空氣間隙,這樣將會導致操作失常,因為很難重現相同厚度的空氣間隙。