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air rifle 氣槍。

air route

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南,雅典奧運會步槍的金牌得獎者,而劉杰是在拍在朱啟南之后的雅典奧運會步槍的銀牌得獎者,他們倆并沒有驕傲在雅典的榮耀,在完成60射擊比賽中都取得了594分的成績,在42名選手中取得了第四的位置。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱奇南是雅典奧運會男子氣步槍金牌得主,李杰是雅典奧運會男子氣步槍銀牌得主,沒有發揮出在雅奧運會中的水平,在比賽中雙雙打出了60發594環的成績,在42名選手中并列第四。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南和李杰分別是雅典奧運會男子氣槍賽的冠亞軍,但他們并沒找回當年雅典奧運會驍勇的狀態,兩位選手在60發的團體賽中都只打出了594環,在42名參賽選手中并列第四。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 朱啟南,李杰在上屆雅典奧運會男子氣槍項目上分別獲得冠亞軍,但他們沒有將這種狀態帶到亞運會上,在60發射擊比賽上他們僅打出594環的成績,在42名選手中并列第四。

Zhu qinan , the athens olympic gold medalist in the men ' s air rifle , and li jie , the silver winner after zhu in athens , didn ' t find the form that carried them to athens glory as both finished the 60 - shot competition with 594 points , a joint fourth place among the 42 competitors 雅典奧運會男子氣步槍冠軍朱啟南和亞軍李杰并未發揮出在雅典奪冠時的輝煌水平,均以60發594環的成績結束比賽,在42名選手中排名第四

Launi bounced back quickly from her air rifle defeat , firing a perfect 200 prone en route to triumphing in women ' s three - position with a near - record score of 683 . 4 勞尼從她氣步槍的失利中快速恢復過來,射出了完美的臥射成績? ?滿分200分,這為她以幾乎平平記錄的683 . 4分獲得女子(小口徑步槍)三姿的勝利鋪平了道路。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 當中國的神槍手們在多哈亞運會的男子10米氣槍項目上取得首金時,做為教練的王義夫總算是松了口氣。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 對中國隊的神槍手在多哈亞運會取得第一枚金牌, 10米男子步槍團隊金牌,教練王義夫感到釋放。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 在中國奪得亞運會第一塊金牌即男子十米氣步槍團體后,主教練王義夫總算松了一口氣。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 教練王義夫在中國神槍手在男子10米氣步槍團體賽中贏得多哈亞運會首金后一身輕松。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 在中國射擊隊獲得多哈亞運會男子10米汽步槍團體冠軍,教練王義夫后松了一口氣。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 教練王義夫在中國射擊隊獲得多哈亞運會男子10米汽步槍團體冠軍后松了一口氣。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 教練王義夫在男子10米氣步槍團體賽獲勝并贏得多哈亞運會首金后倍感輕松。

Coach wang yifu felt released after the chinese sharpshooters notched the first gold medal of the doha asian games in the men ' s 10m air rifle shooting team event 教練王義夫在中國男隊奪得多哈亞運會男子10米氣步槍冠軍后感到很輕松。

Police said nowak was found with an air rifle and a small knife , as well as a wig and trench coat to apparently disguise herself 警方聲稱發現諾瓦克的時候,她帶著氣槍和小刀并用假發和軍用防水短上衣偽裝自己。

Police also seized two toy air rifles and a quantity of metal pellets at the suspect s home in tan kwai tsuen , yuen long 警方于該名疑犯位于元朗丹桂村的家中搜獲兩支仿制長槍及一些金屬圓鐵彈。

Two toy air rifles and a quantity of metal pellets were seized at the man s home in tan kwai tsuen , yuen long 警方其后并于該名男子位于元朗丹桂村的家中搜獲兩支仿制長槍及一些金屬圓鐵彈。

M air rifle 米氣步槍

Women s shooting 10m air rifle 女子10米氣步槍