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air power 空軍威力;制空權;空軍部。

It is years since i built a model with an internal combustion motor in it - nowadays there seems to be a move towards quieter , more “ enviromentally friendly “ power units , so co2 and electric are becoming more popular , and there are even compressed air power units now available 從我開始做內燃機模型至今已經有些年頭了,現在看起來動力在朝著更安靜、更環保的方向發展,所以電動和二氧化碳驅動變得越來越流行,同時現在也有了壓縮空氣引擎。

When travelling on aircraft equipped with dc power , you need to have your own universal air power adaptor that plugs into an “ empower “ socket . this is different from your terrestrial power charger , and can be purchased inflight or on the ground at any major computer store 在設有直流電源供應的機上,請帶備適合在機上使用的萬用電流轉換器,您可于機上或各大電腦商店購買此類轉換器。

When travelling on aircraft equipped with dc power , you need to have your own universal air power adaptor that plugs into an “ empower “ socket . this is different from your terrestrial power charger , and can be purchased inflight or on the ground at any major computer store 在設有直流電源供應的機上,請帶備適合在機上使用的萬用電流轉換器,您可于機上或各大電腦商店購買此類轉換器。

Some senators feel that if air power is to be the main threat , we are not spending enough on aircraft to give us the “ sunday punch “ needed 有些參議員認為,盡管我們的空軍力量可對敵人造成主要威脅,但我們卻沒有在飛機方面投入足夠的財力來獲取這一所需的“殺手锏” 。

air pressure

The electro - hydraulic load simulator is a half simulative equipment simulating the air power torque exerted on the rudder of aircraft flying in the air , and is a typically passive force ( torque ) servo control system . it is used to test the performances of aircraft rudder on the ground 電液負載模擬器( electro - hydraulicloadsimulator )是模擬飛行器在飛行過程中其舵機所受空氣動力力矩載荷的半實物仿真設備,是典型的被動式力(力矩)伺服控制系統。

It is years since i built a model with an internal combustion motor in it - nowadays there seems to be a move towards quieter , more “ enviromentally friendly “ power units , so co2 and electric are becoming more popular , and there are even compressed air power units now available 從我開始做內燃機模型至今已經有些年頭了,現在看起來動力在朝著更安靜、更環保的方向發展,所以電動和二氧化碳驅動變得越來越流行,同時現在也有了壓縮空氣引擎。

In north africa , erwin rommel , which already excelled in the blitzkrieg invasion of france in 1940 , used the same tactics in the desert campaign , but he was crippled by lack of fuel and supplies , by superior enemy air power , and by having too few tanks 在北非, 1940年就曾在閃電入侵法國中表現出色的隆美爾在沙漠戰役中使用了同樣的策略,但是燃油和補給的缺乏,敵人強大的空中優勢和過少的坦克使他最終不得不面對失敗。

When travelling on aircraft equipped with dc power , you need to have your own universal air power adaptor that plugs into an “ empower “ socket . this is different from your terrestrial power charger , and can be purchased inflight or on the ground at any major computer store 在設有直流電源供應的機上,請帶備適合在機上使用的萬用電流轉換器,您可于機上或各大電腦商店購買此類轉換器。

When travelling on aircraft equipped with dc power , you need to have your own universal air power adaptor that plugs into an “ empower “ socket . this is different from your terrestrial power charger , and can be purchased inflight or on the ground at any major computer store 在設有直流電源供應的機上,請帶備適合在機上使用的萬用電流轉換器,您可于機上或各大電腦商店購買此類轉換器。

However , it is the ability to deliver offensive air power at the medium scale that has been the principal driver of the cvf design 對于cvf定義的一句話描述應該是“一種聯合防衛的資源,主要目標是為英國提供遠洋空中進攻能力,可以在任務的最大可能范圍內靈活運用飛機的最大可能航程。 ”

Msp430 ultra - low power consumption chip was adopted as the mcu of the controller inorder to adapt to the limited power supply and working space on the compressed air powered vehicles ( capv ) 節流控制是一種不可逆的能量變化過程,存在較大的能量損失,不利于系統的高效利用。

Some senators feel that if air power is to be the main threat , we are not spending enough on aircraft to give us the “ sunday punch “ needed 有些參議員認為,盡管我們的空軍力量可對敵人造成主要威脅,但我們卻沒有在飛機方面投入足夠的財力來獲取這一所需的“殺手锏” 。

The machine is of simple construction , reliable control with easy adjustment and maintenance . it adopts air power operation or foot power operation 這是一種輕型的剪角機。結構新穎,有腳踏、氣動二種形式,適合于金屬盤合加工,而且加工件準確快速,剪切質量高。

A report issued by the massachusetts institute of technology reckons the eu would need over 10 , 000 men and a lot of air power 美國麻省技術研究所的報告指出歐盟需要10 , 000名士兵和更多的空中力量。

The computer receives data from many sources , processes these data , and then “ controls ” the defending air power 從許多來源計算機收到數據,過程這些數據,并且那時“控制”保衛的空氣權力。

Air power takes us to the new mexican desert , home of the most amazing machines on earth , stealth planes 一連三集《軍力大展示》將會從海、陸、空三方面檢閱現今新科技底下產生的軍事裝備。

Robin j . lee s research on maritime and air power and emergent threats , plus links to related resources -包括關于太平洋戰役的介紹,武器資料,將領生平和相關網站連接

Air power alone cannot win a war 單靠空軍不能贏得戰爭。

Yeah , well , that was mostly air power 是啊,那個主要是空戰。