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air patrol 空中偵察;偵察飛行隊。

air pipe

Apart from its deployment in kosovo and afghanistan , it flies air patrols over the baltic states and slovenia , carries out anti - terrorist naval patrols in the mediterranean , runs military headquarters in macedonia and bosnia , trains the iraqi army and gives logistical support to african peacekeepers in darfur 除了北約在科索沃和阿富汗部署軍隊,還派偵察機在波羅的海諸國與斯洛文尼亞上空偵察,在地中海開展反恐海上巡邏,在馬其頓和波斯尼亞設有軍事指揮部,訓練伊拉克軍隊以及給予達爾富爾的非洲維和人員以后勤支持。

Two 600 gallon fuel tanks , four missiles : this configuration is used after air dominance in a battle area has been secured , and extra loiter time and firepower is required for combat air patrol ( cap ) 兩個600加侖燃油, 4枚導彈:這項配置是用來在空優作戰區已有著落,外游蕩的時間和火力,是需要戰斗空中巡邏( cap )的

Combat air patrol 戰斗空中巡邏任務

Neither of them had established an effective air patrol . 他們兩人都沒有布置有效的空中巡邏。