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air hostess 客機女服務員,空中小姐。

air jacket

Before taking the plane and during the return flight , istanbul airlines air hostesses kindly accepted master s sample booklets which began circulating in the plane . but some air hostesses were forgotten and came to us to ask for additional copies . they looked very happy and could not believe that the sample booklets were bedava 上飛機之前和回程途中,伊斯坦堡航空公司的空姐親切地拿了師父的樣書,并開始在飛機上傳閱,不過其中有幾位被漏掉了,又回來向我們多要幾本,她們看起來很歡喜,無法相信這些樣書是免費的。

7o8 . the most important task of being an air hostess is helping passenger relax during their flight . f1ying is a stressful thing and if an air hostess can ease that tension , it will make a favorable impression for the airline 空中小姐最重要的任務是幫助旅客在飛行過程中放松.坐飛機是令人緊張的事,如果空中小姐能緩和那種緊張,就可以為航宇公司創造良好的形象。

Introduction : game on : as lazy experts , some tourist plane finally leave - not on the plane , air hostesses know as world of warcraft others operations guide : mouse control 攻略:游戲介紹:身為偷懶專家,終于有的搭飛機旅游休假在飛機上不讓空姐知道盡量惡搞別人操作指南:鼠標控制

Game on : as lazy experts , some tourist plane finally leave - not on the plane , air hostesses know as world of warcraft others operations guide : mouse control 游戲介紹:身為偷懶專家,終于有的搭飛機旅游休假在飛機上不讓空姐知道盡量惡搞別人操作指南:鼠標控制

When the aeroplane begins to take off , the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts 飛機起飛時,空中小姐總要告訴全體旅客必順要系緊座位安全帶。

I saw your advertisement in this morning ' s newspaper for the air hostess . i ' d like a job 我看到今在早上的報紙上貴公司招聘空中小姐的廣告,我想申請這一職務。

On board the plane , a pretty air hostess greeted the passengers with a sweet smile , 登上飛機,一位漂亮的空中小姐帶著甜美的微笑迎接乘客,

Now that she ' s an air hostess , foreign travel has lost its glamour for her 她當上了空中小姐,到國外旅行對她已失去吸引力

The duty of an air hostess is to ensure passengers ' safety and comfort 空中小姐的職責是確保旅客的安全與舒適。

My elder sister is an air hostess 我姐姐是個空姐。

Air hostess , i feel sick . please give me some medicine for air sickness 小姐,我感覺不舒服.請給我些暈機藥

What ' s her job ? is she an air hostess ? yes , she is 她的工作是什么?他是一個空中小姐嗎?是的,她是的。

Obviously disturbed by this , she called the air hostess 她非常的不自在,于是她叫來了一位女空服員。

Her greatest wish is to be an air hostess after her graduation 她最大的愿望是畢業后當一名空姐。

She is an air hostess with jal 她是服務于日本航空公司的空服員。

My dream is to be an air hostess , flying in the blue sky 我的夢想是成為一名空姐,在藍天上飛翔

Air hostess : is this your bag , sir 空中小姐:先生,這是您的包嗎?

We ' re going to employ 100 more air hostesses next month 我們打算了下個月再雇用100名空姐。

The air hostess asked everyone to belt up 空中小姐要大家扣好安全帶。