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air force 空軍。

Discovery and its crew landed on the edwards air force base, california, dry lakebed runaway on monday, october 3, ending a flight that the u.s space agency hailed as “successful in every way. “ “發現號”航天飛機及其機組人員,于10月3日星期一在加利福尼亞愛德華茲空軍基地的干湖床跑道上著陸,從而結束了美國航天局稱之為“萬事如意”的這一航天飛行。

air force blue

They end big money training the perso el of air force 他們花大錢訓練空軍人員。

The air force canceled the contract on the hercules 空軍方面取消了大力神的訂單

In a study of a us air force project by sheldon 在sheldon對美國空軍項目的研究中

Discovery and its crew landed on the edwards air force base, california, dry lakebed runaway on monday, october 3, ending a flight that the u.s space agency hailed as “successful in every way. “ “發現號”航天飛機及其機組人員,于10月3日星期一在加利福尼亞愛德華茲空軍基地的干湖床跑道上著陸,從而結束了美國航天局稱之為“萬事如意”的這一航天飛行。

An outcome of the unfortunate affair was the establishment of a very much better informational and control machinery for anti-aircraft defense among the naval, ground, and air forces . 此不幸事件發生后,我們在防空方面,不論海軍空軍或地面部隊,皆建立起更好的情報與管制機構。

However, they concocted this savage little stunt the lauching of a few army air force bombers against tokyo from the decks of a carrier . 但是,他們策劃了這個野蠻的小花招,從一艘航空母艦的甲板上起飛十幾架陸軍航空隊的轟炸機去騷擾東京。

At home we busied ourselves with the expansion of the army and the air force and with all the necessary measures to strengthen our naval power . 在國內方面,我們忙于擴充陸軍和空軍,并且采取一切措施,加強我們的海軍實力。

The u.s. army air forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization . 美國陸軍航空隊,相信在白晝轟炸,應以防御性的空中堡壘重轟炸機為組織之骨干。

The problem, which most of the radar room crew was working at feverishly, was to clear a path for the air force kc-135 . 現在的問題是要為空軍的KC-135讓出一條路來,雷達室內大部分工作人員正在緊張地設法解決這個問題。

An early attack would provide the air force with only a minimum opportunity for pinpoint bombing of critical transportation centers in france . 過早的攻擊使空軍對法國重要運輸中心集中轟炸之時機太少。

Meanwhile, allied air forces were harrying the enemy communications and aircrafts in southern italy, and port of naples . 同時,盟國的空軍正在騷擾敵人在意大利南部的交通線和機場以及那不勒斯港口。

Great britain's air force and, to a lesser extent, her ground and sea forces were largely pinned down to the defense of her home country . 英國空軍及其小規模陸海軍,均著眼于基本上的防御。

Improving weather was eagerly seized upon by the air forces to harass the enemy's line of communications between africa and italy . 因天氣轉好,空軍不時出擾敵人非洲與意大利之間的交通線。

The victory of the royal air force on september 15 is seen now in retrospect to have marked its decisive turningpoint . 現在回憶往事可以看出,皇家空軍9月15日的勝利標志著決定性的轉折點。

The splashing pool and luxuriant plants and soft tropical fishy air forced moses to take a grip on himself . 噴水的池子和蒼郁的植物還有那暖洋洋的帶魚腥味的空氣,迫使赫索格要控制住自己。

That night there remained in france of the royal air force only 206 serviceable aircrafts out of 474 . 那天夜間,皇家空軍駐在法國的四百七十四架飛機,能用來作戰的飛機只剩下二百零六架了。

Yet this is the thirty-fourth month since lord baldwin decided that the air force must be tripled . 可是,自鮑得溫勛爵作出決定把空軍擴充三倍到現在,已經是第三十四個月了。

We have to consider all contingencies in the employment of our scanty and overpressed air force . 我們在使用我們既屬有限而又負擔過重的空軍時,必須考慮到一切意外事件。