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air cover =air umbrella.

air craft

And i feel like holding a cup of green heated black tea , viewing the shade of silver gauze dancing with wind tenderly out of the window ; enjoy listening to the wonderful sound of the accumulative rain drops from eaves knocking on ground ; and love to breathe deep in slight cool wind , with fresh air covering my bosom 喜歡捧一杯熱熱的、泛綠的香茶,看窗外一簾接一簾的銀紗,輕輕地隨風起舞;喜歡用心聆聽屋檐上積攢良久的雨水,淅淅瀝瀝敲打地面的天籟之音;喜歡迎著微微的涼風,深深地吸氣,清新的氣息,溢滿心胸。

And i feel like holding a cup of green heated tea , viewing the shade of silver gauze dancing with wind tenderly out of the window ; enjoy listening to the wonderful sound of the accumulative rain drops from eaves knocking on ground ; and love to breathe deep in slight cool wind , fresh air covering my bosom 喜歡捧一杯熱熱的、泛綠的香茶,看窗外一簾接一簾的銀紗,輕輕地隨風起舞;喜歡用心聆聽屋檐上積攢良久的雨水,淅淅瀝瀝敲打地面的天籟之音;喜歡迎著微微的涼風,深深地吸氣,清新的氣息,溢滿心胸。

She provided air cover for the landings for the next two days , and take part in all the operations in the guadalcanal 在1942年8月爭奪瓜島的行動中,她作為弗萊徹少將的旗艦,在整個行動中為登陸部隊提供空中掩護。

The ships would no longer have air cover from carriers 船艦將不再有航空母艦的空中掩蓋。

Air cover , especially during a military operation 掩護幕空中掩護,尤其是在軍事行動期間

The dirty, still air covers los angeles like a blanket, gradually building up into a thick, smelly, foggy, smokelike layer . 塵污和靜止的空氣象一個罩子一樣覆蓋著洛杉磯,逐漸形成了一個濃密的帶有臭味的,霧蒙的煙層。

For this operation we need plenty of air cover . 為進行這次軍事行動,我們需要充足的空中掩護。