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air conditioner 空氣調節器。

It ' s hot with a capital “ h “ . turn up the air conditioner 今天是最熱的一天,快把空調打開!

air control

You go talk to the superintendance ask him the fix the air conditioner 你跟管理員說說修修空調吧

I usted the air conditioner to stay cool 我調節了空調以保持涼爽

What ' s the price of that air conditioner 那臺空調的價格是多少?

Comparison of coldness and heat fountain schemes for air conditioner in 項目空調冷熱源方案比較

What ' s up with the new air conditioner 這臺新冷氣機是怎么回事?

Hspital an operation room air tubler air conditioner systerm design 潔凈手術部空調系統設計探討

Air conditioner for olympic venues made in chengdu 奧運空調成都造

General specification for room air conditioners fan motors 房間空調器風扇電動機.通用技術條件

Technical specification of blower of air conditioner for motor vehicles 汽車空調風機技術條件

Application of tmp87ph47u in electronic control for air conditioner 單片機的空調電控系統設計

Discussion on application of r407c in the room air conditioners 在家用房間空調器上的應用探討

A : what ' s up with the new air conditioner 這臺新冷氣機是怎么回事?

Sells and installs air conditioners and air conditioning systems -銷售及安裝冷氣機及系統。

Switch off unnecessary lights or air conditioners when not in use 關掉不必要的電燈或冷氣。

Cold weather depressed the demand for air conditioners 寒冷的天氣使冷氣機的需求萎靡不振。

“ must we repair your air conditioner “需要我們修理你的空調機嗎? ”

Methods of rating unitary spot air conditioners 單體空調器的評價方法

It ' s hot with a capital “ h “ . turn up the air conditioner 今天是最熱的一天,快把空調打開!