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air attack 空中攻擊,空襲。

Blitzkrieg was named so because it included surprise attacks , “ lighting fast “ rapid advances into enemy territory , with coordinated massive air attacks , which struck and shocked the enemy as if it was struck by lightning 閃電戰之所以被如此命名因為它包括:突然襲擊,以閃電般的速度快速推進到敵人的領土,并配以大量的空中攻擊來協助,從而使受到打擊的敵人猶如被閃電擊中一般。

air base

Towards the end of wwii , 14 - year - old seita and his 4 - year - old sister setsuko lost their mother in an air attack . nowhere to go , the children took up residence in a cave , and lived on fish catching and vegetables stealing . lack of food , little setsuko gradually grew weak 哥哥和妹妹兩人都不愿意在這種管制下生活,兩兄妹遂以洞穴為家,沒有大人協助的他們,要自行找尋食物維生生活刻苦之馀,他們也像其他小孩子一樣活潑好動,閑來在戰亂下的田間作樂,夜晚更一起在草地上觀看漫天飛舞的螢火蟲。

Civil air defense alarm system was a system to dispense antiaircraft alarm sig - nal , hand hostile air attack informational communication to urbanite at wartime . it is a particular informational communication system of the civil air defense depart - ment , and can not be taken place . at the development trend of digitaliza - tion , unitization , integration of civil air defense communication , the civil air defense alarm system is developing too , for adaptation to the require of both future war and peaceful dual , and enhancing civil air defense communication system ' s directing automation . in recent years , development of different kinds of communication technology infuses new clearly energy into communication , especially spread spectrum communication , because of its strongly interference - free feature , invisibility best , realizable code division multiple access and antimultipath wane and so on merit , gets extensive use at wireless region ; the corresponding spread spectrum chips emerge as the times and get boom , which provides advantag e to realization of the circuit of spread spectrum communication . at the same time , in company with the advance of electronics level , the single chip microcomputer has a great development , world renowned chip manufacturer pushout respective products one after another , the kinds of which are too many to statiste 在人防通信的數字化、一體化、綜合化必然的發展趨勢下,人防警報系統也不斷發展,以適應未來戰爭和和平時期的雙重需要,提高人防通信系統指揮自動化。近年來,各種通信技術的發展給通信注入了活力,擴頻通信更因其抗干擾能力強、隱蔽性好、可實現碼分多址和抗多徑衰落等優點在無線領域得到了廣泛應用;其相應擴頻處理芯片應運而生并得到迅速發展,這為擴頻通信的電路實現提供便利。同時隨著微電子工藝水平的提高,單片微型計算機有了飛躍發展,世界上著名的集成電路芯片制造商紛紛推出各自的產品,單片機型號之多,已達到難以統計的地步。

In order to win the war in the future and carry out the energetically defensive strategic principle , we must adopt effective measures and build the integrated defensive system to deal with cruise missile , which is seasoned with the fertility foundation , science and technology development level and economic strength of our country . so long as this , we can mop the floor with precision guidance cruise missile as the nucleus of the enemy ' s air attack , progressively try to gain the war ' s initiative and win the war finally 要在未來打贏這類現代戰爭,并貫徹積極防御的戰略方針,必須采取有效措施,建立適應于國家生產力基礎、科技發展水平和經濟實力的反巡航導彈綜合防御系統,徹底粉碎敵方以精確制導巡航導彈為核心的空中打擊,才有可能逐步掌握戰爭主動權,奪取戰爭的最后勝利。

Blitzkrieg was named so because it included surprise attacks , “ lighting fast “ rapid advances into enemy territory , with coordinated massive air attacks , which struck and shocked the enemy as if it was struck by lightning 閃電戰之所以被如此命名因為它包括:突然襲擊,以閃電般的速度快速推進到敵人的領土,并配以大量的空中攻擊來協助,從而使受到打擊的敵人猶如被閃電擊中一般。

Time for blessing and the anticipation that the result of blessings and fragrant air attacks , the mood for blessings and brilliant flowers , when you open information , makes it easy for you to bless at this time 時間因祝福而流光溢彩,空氣因祝福而芬芳襲人,心情因祝福而花開燦爛,當您打開信息時,愿祝福讓您輕松此時此刻!

Abstract : suppressing air ? defense operation has become a main type of air attack in order to decrease danger and man damage , pilotless aircraft is just suitable to this requirement 文摘:壓制防空作戰已成為近期局部戰爭的一個主要空中攻擊作戰模式,降低風險、減少人員傷亡是這種戰法的初衷,無人機正適應這種需求。

The rules of the game is very simple , players only need to control the screen beneath the fort , the air attack aircraft fire to destroy them , and to prevent bombs fell on the ground can be 游戲的規則非常簡單,玩家只需要控制畫面下方的炮臺,向空中來襲的飛機開火,將他們消滅,同時,阻止炸彈落到地面即可。

Towards the end of wwii , 14 - year - old seita and his 4 - year - old sister setsuko lost their mother in an air attack . nowhere to go , the children took up r . . 哥哥和妹妹兩人都不愿意在這種管制下生活,兩兄妹遂以洞穴為家,沒有大人協助的他們,要自行找尋食物維生生活刻苦之馀,他們也像其他小孩子一樣活潑好動

Studying the helicopter air battle system , especially launching the air - air missile carried on the air attack under abominable environments , so seems more and more important , more and more urgent 研究直升機空戰系統,特別是在惡劣環境下發射空空導彈進行空中攻擊,因此顯得越來越重要,越來越迫切。

On the base of studying air attack target character recognition and cluster model , the paper build a critical character matrix based recognition and cluster improved model 摘要在研究空襲目標類型識別聚類的基本模型基礎上,建立了基于關鍵特征矩陣的識別聚類改進模型。

Introduction : key to the direction of movement , the space bar to fire with the mouse aerial shooting of the aircraft , the enemy will both ground and air attacks , caution 方向鍵為移動,空格鍵為開火,用鼠標射擊空中的飛機,敵人會陸空兩面夾擊,小心了

Saddam and other key leaders had been pinpointed by u . s . intelligence agencies , prompting a swift air attack that could have changed the course of the war 美國情報局已鎖定海珊和其他重要領導者,其發動空中的攻擊可能改變了戰爭的路線。

Key to the direction of movement , the space bar to fire with the mouse aerial shooting of the aircraft , the enemy will both ground and air attacks , caution 方向鍵為移動,空格鍵為開火,用鼠標射擊空中的飛機,敵人會陸空兩面夾擊,小心了

The aggressive young fighter pilot led the chinese air force ' s first successful interception of a major japanese air attack 這年輕的有闖勁的戰斗飛行員領導了中國空軍在空中與日軍作戰的首次勝利。

Once per game , this unit can make a six - dice bomb attack instead of a torpedo attack during your air attack step 每一次比賽,在你空襲的那一輪,這個單位可以用六個骰子的炸彈而不是魚雷進行攻擊。

In nanjing , the capital of east china ' s jiangsu province , a long air attack alarm sounded across the city at 10 in the morning 清晨10點,長長的警報聲響徹在中國東部江蘇省省會城市南京市上空。

The ammunition ship mary luckenback explodes during an air attack on arctic convoy pq18 , september 14 , 1942 1942年9月14日,第18北極護航艦隊的彈藥運輸船“瑪麗魯肯貝克”號在一次空襲中爆炸。

During this trying time the “ flying tigers ” launched many air attacks on to japanese forces with great successes 在這困難時期, “飛虎隊”發動了許多對日本的空中襲擊。