
air n.1.空氣,大氣。2.天空,空中。3.微風,和風。4....

air action

A rapid shower had cooled the air . 一場驟然而降的陣雨涼爽宜人。

A brisk gayety was in the air . 空氣里洋溢著一片輕松愉快的氣氛。

The air war over europe was reaching its climax . 歐洲的空戰已近白熱化。

We probed the air ministry statements . 我們調查了空軍部的記錄。

I expect i shall be in the air tomorrow . 我希望明天就飛上藍天。

Houses blacked out during an air raid . 空襲時房屋實行燈火管制。

As far as i am concerned, he's nothing but hot air . 我看他只會講空話。

There was an easy-going air about it . 這里到處都彌漫著輕松愉快的氣氛。

Another new air route has been opened up . 又有一條新航線開航了。

The air was charged with silence and frost . 萬籟寂靜,滿天霜氣。

The diaphragm draws air into the lungs . 橫膈膜向下運動讓空氣進入肺部。

He breathed deeply of the cool air . 他深深地吸了一口清涼的空氣。

It 's spring but there 's still a chill in the air . 初春季節仍有寒意。

The old lady said with a dignified air . 那個老太太一本正經地說。

I gave my fur coat a thorough airing . 我把我的毛皮大衣徹底風干。

The sky was blue and the air fresh and sweet . 天空湛藍,空氣清新宜人。

It was hitting pockets of compressed air . 它陷入了壓縮空的氣潭。

Ragged children filled the air with screams . 衣衫襤褸的兒童哭聲震天。

Your plan is merely a castle in the air . 你的計劃不過是空中樓閣而已。