
ainu n.(pl. Ainu (s)) = Aino (n.)...

“ ainu people are part of japanese people . they certainly do have the right to pass on their own language , customs , and traditions . 阿伊努人是日本人的一群,他們有權利延續他們的語言、習俗和傳統。


And indeed , the locals who approached macdonald were notjapanese at all , but rather the supremely hairy ainu , whose women tattooedtheir upper lip 當然,靠近麥克唐納的當地居民并不是日本人,而是多毛的阿伊努人? ?女人則在上唇紋身。

Once living across a broad region , the ainu today number only about 24 , 000 concentrated on japan ' s northernmost island of hokkaido 曾經居住地區廣泛,今天阿伊努原住民只剩下2萬4千人,而且集中住在日本最北端的島嶼北海道。

The ainu of northern japan are a people whose culture , language and physical appearance set them apart from other asians 日本北方的阿伊努原住民,他們的文化語言和外表,都與它地的亞洲人與眾不同。

“ ainu people are part of japanese people . they certainly do have the right to pass on their own language , customs , and traditions . 阿伊努人是日本人的一群,他們有權利延續他們的語言、習俗和傳統。

Shiro kayano , the president of the nibutani ainu museum explains how ainu live in harmony with nature 二風谷阿伊努博物館,館長史郎茅野解釋,阿伊努人是如何與大地為伍。

The ainu had japan ' s northern hokkaido island nearly to themselves for hundreds of years 阿伊努人居住在日北本,北方的北海道數百年了。

An original ainu house has been relocated outside the museum for preservation 一間原始阿依努的屋子,被遷移到博物館外面留存。

The ainu people who valued nature 珍惜自然的愛努人

Ainu culture is also preserved at a village near lake akan 阿依努的文化,也在阿寒湖附近的村莊被保留。

Delving into history : the ainu and okinawa in the twentieth century 挖掘歷史愛努與沖繩的二十世紀

The ainu settlers in hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race . 北海道的阿伊努人是史前某個種族的最后殘存者。