
aimless adj.無目的的,無目標的。adv.-ly ,-ness...

So it systematically tells with modern marketing principles the whole marketing process undertaken by jiangsu office of zhongxing telecom group corp . , which keeps free of traditional “ aimless marketing “ and sets a good example for other enterprises who plan regional marketing 因此文中運用現代營銷原理,將中興通訊公司江蘇辦事處南京市場開發過程系統化,避免了以往市場開發中的盲目性和隨意性。對一般企業尤其是通訊行業企業有一定的借鑒意義。

Its real state contains “ the tempo of the life slacks and becomes aimless ; the internal adjustment is unbalanced with the presentation of psychological anxiety ; self - role is confused and confronted with diverse values “ “生活由緊變松,目標無所依靠;內在調控失衡,心理焦慮呈現;自我角色迷惑,價值取向多元”是大學新生“生活世界”的真實寫照。

He is failing them terribly , and this is why he needs to be recalled and this is why i am going to run for governor . “ fiddle to occupy oneself in an aimless or desultory way 戴維斯現任加州州長,他讓人民極度失望,這就是為什么他需要被罷免的原因,也是我為什么要競選州長的原因。 ”


Pierre still went into society , drank as much , and led the same idle and aimless life , because , apart from the hours he spent at the rostovs , he had to get through the rest of his time somehow , and the habits and the acquaintances he had made in moscow drew him irresistibly into the same life 皮埃爾仍是那樣出入交際場所,仍是喝很多酒,仍是那樣過著悠閑懶散的生活,因為除了他在羅斯托夫家消度時光外,他還要打發剩余的時間,于是習慣和那些他在莫斯科結交的老相識不可抗拒地把他吸引到那種把他據為己有的生活去。

Therefore the suggestion with regard to concerned policy is : after the float of rmb exchange rate , much attention should be paid to the open of capital items ; it is necessary to interfere exchange in time , keep the agreement of the trend of the interest rate both at home and abroad , so as to guard against exchange rate over regulation resulted from the aimless capital float and against finance crisis and economy unrest 由此引申的政策建議是,人民幣匯率浮動化后,資本項目開放必須更加審慎,要適時進行外匯干預,保持國內外利率的動態一致,以防范資本盲目流動引發匯率超調、金融危機和經濟動蕩。

The film is composed of three short stories . the first one is about the aimless journey of a pair of lovers hidetoshi nishijima and miho kanno ; the second one involves the reunion of a yakuza boss and his old lover after a thirty years interval ; the third story talks about the fanatical love of a fan to his idol singer kyoko fukada . although the characters of these three stories do come across each other at certain moment of the movie , the stories do not intertwine or have any explicit connection at all 本片講述的是一個愛情故事,不,事實上,電影由三個短篇的故事組成,第一個故事講述西島秀俊和自殺不遂而變得癡呆的菅野美穗在日本各地漫無目的地游蕩第二個故事說黑幫頭目三橋達也和舊情人松原智惠子的重逢第三個短篇則是狂迷對年青偶像深田恭子過激的愛。

Besides , we still enact feasibility exploratory reading course during the experiment , and also explicit its standard , which can help students to read sufficiently to from good linguistic sense , to be cultivated by sentimental and to meet their cognitive law in course of reading and their comprehension for reading , must be run through the scientific research aiming at discovering questions , analyzing questions and solving questions meanwhile , their aimless extra - curricula reading should be charged into conscious research course , finally , reading achievements should be shown in different forms 在此實驗中還制定出了可具有操作性的探究性閱讀流程,明確了閱讀的本位,讓學生充分的讀書,在讀中有所感悟,養成良好的語感,受到情感的熏陶,達到符合學生的認知規律,并把對閱讀的理解貫穿于科學研究的“發現問題、分析問題、解決問題”的過程當中,把學生漫無目的課外閱讀變為有意識的研究探討的過程,最后將閱讀成果用多種形式進行展示。

Once he paused in an aimless , incoherent sort of way and looked through the windows of an imposing restaurant , before which blazed a fire sign , and through the large , plate windows of which could be seen the red and gold decorations , the palms , the white napery , and shining glassware , and , above all , the comfortable crowd 有一次,他漫無目的稀里糊涂地停了下來,朝一家富麗堂皇的餐廳的窗戶里看去,窗前閃耀著一塊燈光招牌。透過餐廳的大玻璃窗,可以看見紅色和金色的裝璜棕櫚樹白餐巾以及閃光的玻璃餐具,特別還有那些悠閑的吃客。

When you heard how manchester was stricken , how many people were turning up at old trafford , aimless in their grief but just wanting to be as close as they could to the team who had so lifted their lives , who they had seen growing up before their eyes , you felt there had to be a match as soon as possible 當你聽到曼徹斯特遭受了怎樣的打擊,有多少人出現在了老特拉福德,沒有頭緒地沉浸在悲傷中,僅僅想要盡可能地離球隊,這些升天的球員,這些在他們眼前看著成長起來的家伙近一些,你感到這里必須盡快進行一場比賽。

Yet , here is the fact of the lighted chamber , the dressy , greedy company , the small , self - interested palaver , the disorganized , aimless , wandering mental action which it represents - the love of light and show and finery which , to one outside , under the serene light of the eternal stars , must seem a strange and shiny thing 然而,這些明亮的店堂,穿著華麗的貪婪人群,淺薄自私的聊天,和這一切反映的混亂迷茫和喱徨的精神狀態,都是出于對燈光,排場和華服美飾的愛慕。對一個置身于永恒寧靜的星光下的局外人來說,這一切一定顯得光怪陸離。

So it systematically tells with modern marketing principles the whole marketing process undertaken by jiangsu office of zhongxing telecom group corp . , which keeps free of traditional “ aimless marketing “ and sets a good example for other enterprises who plan regional marketing 因此文中運用現代營銷原理,將中興通訊公司江蘇辦事處南京市場開發過程系統化,避免了以往市場開發中的盲目性和隨意性。對一般企業尤其是通訊行業企業有一定的借鑒意義。

Brain in fly to flow the miscellaneous and disorderly problem that turn every kind of each kind soon , that problem resemble the street of a car , confusion but again busy , was filled with to bawl out voice , aimless chat voice , sigh voice with wait for helplessly voice 腦子里飛速的流轉著各種各樣的雜亂的問題,那問題就像堵車的街道一樣,混亂而又忙碌,充滿了叫罵聲,漫無目的的聊天聲,嘆氣聲和無奈的等待聲

Among the three short stories , the reunion of the yakuza boss and his old lover is the most easy - going one , while the focus of the movie , that is , the aimless journey of nishijima and kanno , is the one that is most difficult to appreciate 三個故事中,以黑幫頭目和舊情人重逢一段最有戲味。西島秀俊和菅野美穗一段最悶藝,只見兩人一直步行,毫無目標。步行在北野武的電影是重要的一部分。

In general , the midfield need not close down hugely , but it may be worthwhile to man mark / close down the opposition ' s most dangerous midfielder and rush their defense with the strikers when they have the ball to force hurried , aimless clearances 通常,中場不需要太逼搶,但對對方的最危險球員進行盯人或逼搶以及讓前鋒奔搶對方后衛逼迫對手匆忙無目的的解圍是值得的。

Last and , in many eyes , least is the long ball game with its endless , seemingly aimless , balls sent deep into space in the hope of them eventually dropping into some unspecified region of the opposing penalty area 最后,在很多人看來也是最低級的是長傳球比賽,看上去沒有目標,球不停地被遠遠地傳到空當,希望最后能落入對方禁區內某個不指定的訂房。

Its real state contains “ the tempo of the life slacks and becomes aimless ; the internal adjustment is unbalanced with the presentation of psychological anxiety ; self - role is confused and confronted with diverse values “ “生活由緊變松,目標無所依靠;內在調控失衡,心理焦慮呈現;自我角色迷惑,價值取向多元”是大學新生“生活世界”的真實寫照。

After trying his luck working as a factory worker , security guard and taxi driver , his life remains aimless , until he meets an introverted girl who obsessively cleans and reads books she doesn ' t understand 鄉下少年跟隨大潮流到城市找生計,捱騾仔、扮狗臉或長尾巴都不在乎,強橫的適應力就像一棵無根野草插在垃圾社會的糞土上。

Siu yee , is muddle - headed all day , as if aimless . whenever comes to work , enthusiasm burst out . without any particular skill , siu yee is curious and likes to try something new 小儀,整天迷迷糊糊,仿佛漫無目的。每當遇上工作,骨子里的熱情,就會爆發出來。沒有什麼特長,但對每一樣事物都很好奇,喜歡什麼都嘗試。

So , aimless opportunity , won ' t be an opportunity , however the pasty that the sky falls down ; perhaps , the sky can fall down really pasty , but , that is lucky , had been another concept 所以,沒有目標的機會,不會是機會,而是天上掉下來的餡餅;也許,天上真的會掉下來餡餅,但,那是幸運,已經是另外一個概念了。