
aim 短語和例子AIM =1.American Indian ...

“that hope might enkindle you to aim at the throne . 那種希望會引起你對王位的貪圖。


She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple . 她話鋒一轉,銳利地指向那對平庸的夫婦。

Our main aim is to calculate the number of distinct patterns . 我們的主要目的是計算不同的型的數目。

The aim of this chapter is to develop properties of the inverse . 本章的目的是要開發逆矩陣的性質。

I aim to be a writer . 我立志成為作家。

One can always aim higher . 上游無止境。

The outlay seems to bear no relation to the object aimed at . 這費用似乎和預期目的完全不相稱。

They had a single aim , a solitary goal -- the top ! 他們有一個目的,唯一的目標就是登上頂峰。

The aims of these three groups are entirely irreconcilable . 這三組人的目標是完全不可調和的。

The archer goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim . 女神箭手射出了萬無一失的箭,命中目標。

This aim enlisted wide backing throughout the country . 這一目標在全國各地博得了廣泛的支持。

I did n't mean to hit the cat , i was aiming for the tree . 我并沒想打這只貓,我是瞄那棵樹。

I did n't mean to hit the cat , i was aiming at the tree . 我并沒想打這只貓,我是瞄那棵樹。

Have an aim in life, or your energies will be wasted . 人生應有目的,否則你的努力將屬徒然。

They were interested in aims and purposes of the law . 他們所感興趣的只是法律的目的和意圖。

We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores . 我們的目的是要加速本百貨店的庫存周轉。

They had the similar aims . 他們有相似的目標。

She was conscious of his aim . 她清楚他的目的。

No other european government shared this german aim . 沒有別的歐洲政府支持德國這一目標。