
ailment n.小病,失調。


Grasp the persistent ailment of street peace order and have a foothold in street peace order prevention and control 把握街面治安頑點立足街面治安防控

Articles in time ' s medical section often alert readers to unsuspected ailments 《時代》周刊醫藥欄目里的文章常告誡讀者對自己意想不到的疾病保持警惕。

The result of detection can be used to identify and detect genetic or contagious ailment 其測定結果可以用來對遺傳性和傳染性疾病進行鑒別和檢測。

Actually , i was prone to minor ailments . it attributes to lack of doing exercises 其實,我經常/很容易得些小疾病。這還得“歸功于”我的缺乏鍛煉。

Dust storm could cause cardiovascular problems , asthma and other respiratory ailments 沙塵暴可能引發心臟血管的毛病、氣喘以及其他呼吸疾病。

For the most part , people with respiratory ailments would have been affected , he says 他說,在多數的情況下,呼吸系統有毛病的人會受到影響。

Li haocheng said i was like a set of effective medicine that could cure lili s ailment 我知道,要想讓世人了解殘疾人,我們的素質就要提高。

The peritonitis was the last in a cascade of deadly ailments that followed , she said 腹膜炎只是肝功能不全后一系列并發癥中最嚴重的一種。

The chinese considered the aloe vera sacred and used it for stomach and colon ailments 中國人視蘆薈為神物,將其用來治療胃病和結腸病。

He canvassed his system . no ailment was found , and he investigated again 他把自己渾身上下仔細地檢查了一下,沒有發現什么毛病。

Bodily ailments do not necessarily constitute suffering . an unsettled mind does 81心不平安是真正的苦,身體的病痛不一定是苦。

Billy graham is 88 years old and suffers from a range of health ailments 比利?格雷厄姆現年88歲,正受到一系列健康方面的困擾。

We should not pay for cures that cost us more than the original ailment 如果治療必須付出的代價比不治療還多,就不應該治療。

The common ailment and construction quality control of the bridge ' s expansion joints 橋梁毛勒伸縮縫的常見病害及施工質量控制

Every time my doctor cures one ailment , i seem to come down with another 每次我的醫生治好一種病后,我似乎又得了另一種病!

Cure a chronic ailment 可以治療慢性病

During the middle ages , burdock was valued for treating a host of ailments 要有效地吸收食物纖維,那還要看減肥者的毅力

Malachite is unequalled as a helper to cure many diseases and ailments 中國公元前十三世紀殷代已有孔雀石石簪工藝品。

Your body posture told me that my list of ailments made you uncomfortable 你的身體動作告訴我我的那些疾病讓你不舒服