
aileron n.〔常 pl.〕 【航空】副翼,輔(助)翼。

And senior yelled at me , “ get control of it , “ and i had full rudder , full aileron , and i wasn t getting any response 二級軍士長沖著我喊: “控制住飛機! “我的方向舵、副翼都打到滿舵,然而飛機沒有反應。


Several icing parameters were imported to calculate the change of drag coefficient and typical derivatives between clean aircraft and iced aircraft , and the aircraft flight envelope change of iced and un - iced situation was computed , and the small disturbance flight dynamics model was modified to study the effect of the ice accretion on the aircraft dynamics by importing the ice parameter to it , and the longitudinal and lateral stability and the elevator , aileron and rudder step response were also studied and simulated 根據這些參數計算了飛機結冰后阻力系數以及典型氣動導數的變化,并計算了結冰前后飛機的飛行包線;同時對結冰前后飛機的縱向、橫側動穩定性以及升降舵、副翼和方向舵階躍操縱響應進行仿真計算。

We must calibrate sensor against angular displacement for airplanes ’ aileron , jaw rudder and elevator , and so on , when making airplanes and testing on their flying capabilities . all the methods reported aren ’ t applicable because of its special working environment here 在飛機生產和對飛機進行飛行性能試驗的過程中,都要對飛機的副翼、襟翼、方向舵和升降舵等轉動系統的角位移傳感器進行標定。

Stiff struts and ribs meant that wings were too rigid to flex much torsionally , so builders installed ailerons ? flaps located on the outer , trailing - edge portions of wings 難以彎曲的支柱和翼肋,使得機翼太過剛硬,同時也限制了扭轉幅度,因此工程師加上了副翼,也就是位于機翼后緣外側的襟翼。

As the front end came apart , i pitched up , and his nose hit our nose and his tail went up and punched a hole through my aileron 隨著機頭前部掉落,我俯仰起來,他的機頭撞上我們的機頭,他的機尾向上,把我的副翼戳了個洞。

Usually only a small amount of rudder is needed , especially if a large amount of differential ( more up aileron motion than down motion ) is present 通常只需要少量的方向舵,尤其是出現大量差速時(上副翼動作多于下副翼動作)

And senior yelled at me , “ get control of it , “ and i had full rudder , full aileron , and i wasn t getting any response 二級軍士長沖著我喊: “控制住飛機! “我的方向舵、副翼都打到滿舵,然而飛機沒有反應。

In mode 2 , the right control stick operates the aileron and elevator and the left stick operates the rudder and throttle 在模式2中,右邊的操縱桿控制副翼和升降舵,左邊的操縱桿控制方向舵和油門。

Further , the reconfigurable control law is designed undergoing the elevator and aileron failures 并研究了升降舵、副翼發生失效和卡死時的控制律重構方法。

Aileron knob shaft 副翼控柄軸

Aileron control wheel 副翼控制輪

T - tail with aileron , flaps 2 . foam core balsa sheeted wing , ultracote cover 特點: 1輕質高強度的玻璃鋼材料機身,預先噴漆

Compound floating aileron 復式浮動副翼

Positive aileron deflection produces an anti - clockwise moment about the x axis 正的副翼偏轉角產生繞x軸的負方向力矩。

Aileron servo pull rod should be vertical to the shaft of aileron basically 副翼舵機拉桿應基本上垂直于副翼轉動軸線。

F72785 - 572 elevator rudder aileron power control unit test equipment F72785 - 572型升降舵方向舵副翼動力控制裝置測試儀

. . . and full left aileron , but she won ' t stay level . goddamn it 左舷副翼也已經拉滿了還是無法保持平衡,見鬼

And full left aileron , but she won ' t stay level . goddamn it 左舷副翼也已經拉滿了還是無法保持平衡,見鬼

Install aileron triangular rocker position 副翼三角搖臂的安裝位置。