
ail vt.使苦惱,使煩惱。 What ails you 你怎...

“ sid , what ails tom ? “ said aunt polly “希德,湯姆得了什么病? ”

“ tom , what on earth ails that cat ? “湯姆,那貓到底得了什么病? ”


The limitation of self - scrutiny : on zhang ailing ' s novels and other things 張愛玲的小說及其它

The answer goes to the heart of what ails drug companies 其答案正是困擾制藥公司的核心問題。

. . . couldn ' t possibly cure what was ailing me . . .對我的病沒有幫助

“ sid , what ails tom ? “ said aunt polly “希德,湯姆得了什么病? ”

An exploration of zhang ailing ' s sense of folk 張愛玲的民間意識探究

“ tom , what on earth ails that cat ? “湯姆,那貓到底得了什么病? ”

The characteristics of time in zhang ailing ' s novels 論張愛玲小說中敘述者與人物的距離控制

Synthetical views on zhang ailing ' s family stories 張愛玲家庭小說綜論

On the sense of tragedy in zhang ailing ' s novels 張愛玲小說的悲劇意識

Kitty peers at the gasjet . what ails it tonight 瞅著煤氣燈的火苗今天晚上出了什么毛病?

Life just in the mirror - on the movie sense of zhang ailing ' s novels 論張愛玲小說的電影感

Urban female writing in 1940s - zhang ailing , su qing ' s creation theory 張愛玲蘇青創作論

Take it away . there ' s no medicine can cure what ails me 把它拿走,沒有什么藥能治得好我

The contact between zhang ailing ' s novel and lu xun thought 張愛玲小說與魯迅思想的聯系

The plane ' s equipped for ail - weather fly 這架飛機的裝備可作全天候飛行。

Let me help you get ail spruced up for the party 讓我把你打扮得漂漂亮亮地去參加聚會。

A discussion on the time scene in zhang ailing ' s novels 對張愛玲小說中時間性場景的探討