
aikido n.〔日語〕 合氣道〔一種自衛角斗術〕。

In an attempt to put aikido philosophy into practice , aikido shudojuku will donate 5 % of its annual gross profit every year in early january , in the name of “ aikido “ , to one charitable organization in china , aiming to have more people benefit from aikido 為實踐合氣道理念, 《合氣道守道塾》將于每年年初把過去一年的道場總收益的百分之五,以“合氣道”的名義,損贈予中國一家慈善機構,希望藉此能令社會上有需要的一群受益于合氣道。

Sensei eastman is the only aikido student from 1950 ' s “ hut “ dojo who has never given an interview stating that “ sensei ellis ' s story is more interesting than mine “ 喚醒伊士曼是唯一操學生,由1950年的“小屋“捕人從來專訪時指出, “喚醒埃利斯的故事更有趣,比地雷“

Aikido is a “ feeling . “ ultimately it is the feeling of loving kindness . training with this feeling changes the “ quality “ of our movements 本質上,合氣道是一種感覺,一種仁愛的感覺。帶著這種感覺進行練習可以改變我們動作的“質量” 。

In aikido , misogi ( literally , “ ritual purification “ ) breathing focuses one ' s physical and mental awareness in the hara 在合氣道中, “身掃除” (譯者: “身掃除”是日語,就是洗澡,引申為凈化身心。 )

Learning aikido is really “ unlearning “ bad habits more than learning something new 學習合氣道,與其說是學習新的東西,不如說是學習如何改正不好的習慣更為貼切。


Sadly with the arrival of the new bab chairman mr vincent sumpter nothing changed , he made the statement below despite the factual information available to him and his executive , lets not forget that mr sumpter had the only four surviving students of abbe sensei for aikido within the bab 可惜隨著進入新博白主席文森特司令部沒有改變,但他發表聲明,盡管下面的事實資料提供給他和他的長官,讓我們不要忘記,何先驅了,只有四名學生尚存阿貝喚醒為克以內博白

In an attempt to put aikido philosophy into practice , aikido shudojuku will donate 5 % of its annual gross profit every year in early january , in the name of “ aikido “ , to one charitable organization in china , aiming to have more people benefit from aikido 為實踐合氣道理念, 《合氣道守道塾》將于每年年初把過去一年的道場總收益的百分之五,以“合氣道”的名義,損贈予中國一家慈善機構,希望藉此能令社會上有需要的一群受益于合氣道。

The six methods of body movement is a practice to make ourself leave opponent ' s attacking line . lee sensei put great emphasis on this . all aikido waza start with body movement 六步身法是李君亮老師教學時一定會強調的練習,主要是基于合氣道技法在操作時必需要離開攻擊線.所有的合氣道技法都是由身法開始,沒有身法就沒有技法

The aikikai foundation , the aikido world headquarters , tokyo , japan delegates edmund wan sensei , dojo - cho of aikido shudojuku , to conduct grading examinations at shudojuku in beijing 《合氣道守道塾》的道場長-溫翰源老師-已獲得日本東京《財團法人合氣會合氣道本部》授權主持在北京《守道塾》舉行的升級審查。

Sensei ellis ' s class was always packed to overflowing , and the training was always hard , yet i enjoyed it and found that i seemed to fit in naturally to this new martial art of aikido 喚醒埃利斯的階級總是裝得滿滿的,而且訓練總是很難,但我很喜歡它,并發現,我好像適合在自然這一新的武術操

Students will register with the aikikai foundation , the aikido world headquarters to become member of aikikai , and to be issued aikikai membership card 《守道塾》學員在成功通過首次升級考試后,便隨即與《財團法人合氣會合氣道本部》注冊成為《合氣會》會員,并獲發《合氣會》會員證。

Sensei eastman is the only aikido student from 1950 ' s “ hut “ dojo who has never given an interview stating that “ sensei ellis ' s story is more interesting than mine “ 喚醒伊士曼是唯一操學生,由1950年的“小屋“捕人從來專訪時指出, “喚醒埃利斯的故事更有趣,比地雷“

Students who have successfully passed the grading examinations at shudojuku will receive kyu / dan grade certificates to be issued directly by the aikido world headquarters , japan 成功通過考試的學員將獲日本《合氣會本部》直接簽發級位/段位證書。

You must be an aikido shinju - kai member for a minimum of 3 months and be at least 6 years of age before you are eligible to go for your first grading 你必須已成為合氣道心柔會會員最少有三個月,并最少為六歲或以上,才能參與你的首次考試。

By following the spirit of true aikido teachings , we aim to bring out the beauty of aikido so that more people can achieve a deeper appreciation of this art 我們本著教授純正合氣道的精神,致力令更多人能深入認識合氣道這門優雅的武道。

Aikido is a “ feeling . “ ultimately it is the feeling of loving kindness . training with this feeling changes the “ quality “ of our movements 本質上,合氣道是一種感覺,一種仁愛的感覺。帶著這種感覺進行練習可以改變我們動作的“質量” 。

We look forward to maintaining a close and cordial relationship with all aikido practitioners , and working together for the development of aikido in china 我們會致力與各合氣道團體在不同領域上共同合作,為中國的合氣道發展而努力。

When a beginning student of aikido is attacked , his unconscious bodily reactions will cause his breathing and movement to be inefficient 當一個合氣道的初學者受到攻擊時,他無意識的身體反應會導致呼吸和運動方面效率的降低。

The founder ' s dojo in iwama will no longer be used to practice aikido . we will pursue our daily training in the “ tanrenkan ” in iwama 開祖在巖間的道場將不再用于合氣道的訓練。我們的道場將移至巖間“鍛煉館” 。