
aiken n.艾肯〔姓氏〕。

For the week ended nov 23 , “ in the zone , “ released by jive , a unit of bertelsmann ag ' s bmg , sold an estimated 609 , 000 units , the fourth highest opening in 2003 , behind efforts by rapper 50 cent , linkin park and clay aiken 到11月23日截止,貝塔斯曼集團手下的寶利金唱片公司負責發行的小甜甜的新專輯《在這里》共計售出609000張,這也是2003第四高首發銷售量,排在流星樂合唱團'五角'聯合公園'和克萊依之后。

Charlotte , n . c . - clay aiken , who vaulted this year from college student obscurity to pop music stardom as a runner - up on the television show “ american idol , “ graduated saturday from the university of north carolina at charlotte 北卡羅萊納州,夏洛特- - -在電視劇“美國偶像”中出任第二男主角的克萊-艾肯今年從一個不為人所知的大學生一躍而為流行音樂明星,周六他畢業于夏洛特的北卡羅萊納大學。


A new numerical procedure for analyzing the coupled vibration of a framed arch bridge with a single moving vehicle is presented to solve the equations of motion of a bridge with many degrees of freedom . the procedure consists in dividing the bridge - vehicle systems , which are solved separately , into 2 subsystems at the interface of the bridge and vehicle . the compatibility at the interface is obtained by an iterative procedure with aitken acceleration 本文提出新的計算橋梁車激振動反應的方法,車?橋系統被分成兩個相互作用的子系統,這兩個子系統通過接觸點的協調條件耦合在一起,從而應用aiken動態加速法對橋梁運動方程、車輛運動方程和車?橋耦合方程進行高效迭代求解。

For the week ended nov 23 , “ in the zone , “ released by jive , a unit of bertelsmann ag ' s bmg , sold an estimated 609 , 000 units , the fourth highest opening in 2003 , behind efforts by rapper 50 cent , linkin park and clay aiken 到11月23日截止,貝塔斯曼集團手下的寶利金唱片公司負責發行的小甜甜的新專輯《在這里》共計售出609000張,這也是2003第四高首發銷售量,排在流星樂合唱團'五角'聯合公園'和克萊依之后。

Charlotte , n . c . - clay aiken , who vaulted this year from college student obscurity to pop music stardom as a runner - up on the television show “ american idol , “ graduated saturday from the university of north carolina at charlotte 北卡羅萊納州,夏洛特- - -在電視劇“美國偶像”中出任第二男主角的克萊-艾肯今年從一個不為人所知的大學生一躍而為流行音樂明星,周六他畢業于夏洛特的北卡羅萊納大學。

Aiken bacon was baking bacon . the bacon he was baking was bought in macon . so he was making baked macon bacon 艾肯.培根在烘熏豬肉。他烤熏的豬肉是從梅肯買進。所以他是在烘梅肯熏豬肉。

And the two child stars , jena malone as anna and liam aiken as ben turned in very realistic performances 那兩位童星,演安娜的杰娜?馬龍和演本的利恩?埃肯的表演十分真實。

Governor huang huahua met with mr . philip stanley aiken of australian bhp billiton company 黃華華省長會見澳大利亞bhpbilliton公司菲利普?斯坦利?埃肯

Aiken bacon was baking bacon . the bacon he was baking was bought in macon 艾肯?培根在烘熏豬肉。他烤熏的豬肉是從梅肯買進。

Howard aiken ' s mark i is the last great electromechanical calculator 霍華德.艾肯德的霍華德1號是最后一臺大型機電式計算機。

Male artist aiken , liam 男藝人里安艾堅

Artist name : aiken , liam 藝人名稱:里安艾堅

Donors turn out to give gift of life - aiken standard subscription 俄勒網參議院取締禮物信用卡到期日- kgw . com捐款

Do you have any justin timberlake or clay aiken 有沒有賈斯丁或者克雷艾肯的歌?