
aiguille n.1.尖峰,錐巖。2.(巖石的)鉆孔器。


Secondly , programmed the image processing arithmetic code which include the bottom arithmetic for the general condition comprises threshold division , region combination and informate and the middle level arithmetic for the given task comprises detecting the line dation creirection according to the hough transform in order to fix on the hole ’ s azimuth angle , detecting the aiguille tip position according to the image movement according to the environment and the image format 然后,根據目標環境要求和攝像機采集圖像格式,開發了圖像處理算法程序。圖像處理算法包括底層算法和中層算法兩部分,底層算法針對通用情況,包括閾值分割、區域合并和信息生成。中層算法針對具體任務設計,包括利用hough變換檢測棱線的方向,從而確定圓孔的方位角和利用基于圖像運動檢測鉆頭尖端位置。

It is the first time that the theory of wavelet has been applied in the signal processing of the codog power plant experiment rig and wavelet transform denoising was used , it may keep the aiguille and saltation parts , wipe off the noise and pick up the useful signal , it is benefit to analysis the result in experiment 把小波分析理論應用于codog實驗臺信號處理中,用小波變換進行信號消噪,可以很好的保存有用信號中的尖峰和突變部分,將信號的噪聲部分去除,從中提取出于有用信息,更有利于實驗結果分析。

At present , the competition of oil industry is very fury , so reducing the cost of exploitation of oil is imperative under the situation . but the oil drillers of our country are relatively old , and the control mode drops behind , which result in the long period of making hole and high ratio of aiguille attaint , which is the main restrict factor of reducing the cost of oil exploitation 隨著石油行業競爭的日趨激烈,降低石油的開采成本就勢在必行,于是研制新型的石油鉆機就顯得尤為重要,因為國內目前使用的鉆機比較陳舊,控制方式非常落后,導致鉆井周期長、鉆頭損壞率高,這是降低石油開采成本的重要制約因素;而且落后的控制方式使得鉆井過程容易發生溜鉆、卡鉆等事故。

The designing and producing of the automatic circulation circuit of the aiguille in the bore - cut precess equipment 的鉆削加工裝置鉆頭自動循環控制電路的設計