
aide n.1.= aide-de-camp.2.助手。

One newly hired aide said, “if you offered geneen an opinion based on feeling, you were dead. “ 一位新雇用的助手說:“如果你憑感覺給吉寧提意見,那你就完了。”


Hager is a business school student and former white house aide 其男友海格曾做過白宮助理,現正攻讀商學院的碩士學位。

An aide or an aide - de - camp 副官,侍從武官

Personal and home care aide 個人家庭護理員

Bush ' s 1 ) aides weren ' t sure who that was , and they sent the wrong man 小布什的助理不確定那是指誰,結果派錯了人。

Hager is a business school student and former white house aide 海格是商學院的一名學生,曾經擔任過白宮副官。

The nurse ' s aide course was free or i wouldn ' t have this job 護士助手課程是免費的,否則我也干不了這份工作

One woman is an aide to a former colombian presidential candidate 其中一人是前哥倫比亞總統候選人的助手。

Hager is a business school student and former white house aide 黑格是一名商學院的學生,前白宮助理人員。

You went in the aide , and i ended up in here . - okay , wrap it up -你成了副官,而我進了這里-好了,閉嘴

We are told that president vagobagin and his aides have been taken hostage 總統和副官已經被挾持為人質

Papers : british military aide accused of passing secrets to iran 報紙:英軍將領助理被控向伊朗提供情報

Teacher uses efficient teaching aides 教師準備了足夠的教具。

They have also subpoenaed top presidential aide karl rove 他們也傳訊了高級總統助理卡爾?羅夫。

The president met with senior white house aides at breakfast 早餐時總統會晤了白宮的高級助手。

The president meet with senior white house aide at breakfast 早餐時總統會見了白宮的高級助手。

She was hired as a aide to the diplomat 她被聘為這外交官的助手。

The president met with senior white house aides at breakfast 早餐時總統會見了白宮的高級助手

, , , l ' m sir william de kere , lord oliver ' s aide - de - camp , 我是威廉姆?德克勒爵士,奧利維爵士的營副