
aid AID = Agency for Internation...


The auministration staged a vigorous drive for the new aid bill . 政府為這項新的援外法案進行大力宣傳。

One remarkable use for transistors is in hearing aids . 晶體管的一項特別引人注意的應用是在助聽器方面。

Add 20 mg. of diatomaceous earth filter aid per liter of solution . 對每升溶液加入20毫克硅藻土助濾劑。

An ambient field aids the magnetization from the exciting current . 背景場加強了激勵電流的磁化強度。

The phoumi regime became the recipient of american military aid . 富米政權成了美國軍事援助的接受者。

International food aid is only part of the answer to famine . 國際糧食援助只能解決部分的饑荒問題。

I lean upon you for aid . 我靠你周全。

Printing aided enormously in making books generally available . 印刷業大大地幫助了書籍的廣泛流傳。

We all know first aid . 我們都會急救。

What 's this in aid of ? 你的用意何在?

The writer wishes to express his appreciation for the aid received . 作者對于受到的幫助謹致謝忱。

One can visualize this process with the aid of fig.1.8.1 . 我們可以借助圖181來看清這種過程。

Root systems have had to be excavated without the aid of water . 根系必須在不用水的情況下掘取。

These successes aided the expansion of the b-dienst . 這些成功對觀察處機構的擴大起了促進作用。

A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language . 詞典是學習一種新語言的重要工具。

The governor concluded not to call for aid from other countries . 統治者決定不向其他國家求援。

He had a deepening sense of the urgency of the aid effort . 他深深感到,援助工作是刻不容緩的。

What 's all this in aid of ? 你的用意何在?

The famine is so bad , aid can only scratch the surface . 饑荒十分嚴重,援助也只是杯水車薪。