
aic AIC = ammunition identificat...

Abstract according to the defect of the conventional bayes “ method in the geomechanical engineering back analysis , expanding bayes “ method was established in this paper . with the applications of the probability theory and the mathematical statistics principle , the geomechanical engineering random back analysis objects function was founded based on the aic criterion of the decision information theory and the maximum entropy criterion , a the matching question between the observed information and the previous information of the conventional bayes “ method were proposed . in addition , the least square method , maximum likelihood method and conventional bayes “ method were unified in form 本文針對巖土工程反分析中使用的傳統貝葉斯法中存在的缺陷,提出了擴展貝葉斯法,從概率論和數理統計的原理出發,建立了基于決策信息論中aic準則和最大熵準則的巖土工程隨機反演的準則函數,解決了傳統貝葉斯法的觀測信息與先驗信息的匹配問題,并從形式上完成了目前常用的最小二乘法、最大似然法及傳統貝葉斯法準則函數的統一,并可由觀測數據的質量和數量進行預測模型的辨識。

Logistics . “ ihixxigh ceitciin busiiress | xilicies aixl infbnnation lechix ) logies the nxxlem logistics structure aixl communiaitive model aic o | timi / ed as to enliiincc tire logistics cllicicney lor lire realization of every logistics function 一定的業務策略和信息技術相結合,實現現代物流在業務結構和信息溝通方式上的優化,以期提高物流的效率,為電子商務各項功能的實現提供保證。


First , method for initialization of wavelet basis in wavelet frames is proposed ; second , according to the data distribution , a modified method for rough selection of wavelet basis is given ; and the last , an adaptive projection algorithm combined with aic criterion is used to purify the wavelet basis , meanwhile finishing the parameters identification 首先在小波框架內提出一種小波基初始化方法;然后根據樣本的分布特點,提出一種改進的小波基粗選方法;最后將自適應投影算法與aic準則相結合,對小波基進行精選,同時完成網絡參數的辨識。

Abstract according to the defect of the conventional bayes “ method in the geomechanical engineering back analysis , expanding bayes “ method was established in this paper . with the applications of the probability theory and the mathematical statistics principle , the geomechanical engineering random back analysis objects function was founded based on the aic criterion of the decision information theory and the maximum entropy criterion , a the matching question between the observed information and the previous information of the conventional bayes “ method were proposed . in addition , the least square method , maximum likelihood method and conventional bayes “ method were unified in form 本文針對巖土工程反分析中使用的傳統貝葉斯法中存在的缺陷,提出了擴展貝葉斯法,從概率論和數理統計的原理出發,建立了基于決策信息論中aic準則和最大熵準則的巖土工程隨機反演的準則函數,解決了傳統貝葉斯法的觀測信息與先驗信息的匹配問題,并從形式上完成了目前常用的最小二乘法、最大似然法及傳統貝葉斯法準則函數的統一,并可由觀測數據的質量和數量進行預測模型的辨識。

Fortunately , we can solve this problem by using ap ( alternating projection ) algorithm , by this way ; the computational load can reduce dramatically . doa estimation is mostly research base on linear array , because of the limitation of linear , it can estimate the azimuth only ; solid array can estimate the azimuth and elevation , in this paper , the solid array is used for doa estimation ; when the signal sources are uncorrelated , the music algorithm is chosen , using mdl / aic algorithm , we attain the signal number of sources 本文采用立體六元陣進行測向,在非相干信號源條件下,采用music算法進行doa估計,采用基于信息論原理mdl準則或者aic準則判斷信號源數目,通過對陣列流形的研究,指出基于圓陣的陣列流形具有的某種對稱性,利用該對稱性來降低運算量,并且通過對算法的研究,提出用維數較小的信號子空間或噪聲子空間來計算空間譜,進一步減小music算法運算量。

At the same time , aroused by the phenomenon that in practice , the number of data is n ' t always large enough but there exist history data , this paper expands aic to the question where each data group comes from an ar ( p ) model ( p known ) and proposes alc ^ r method 有感于實際情況中數據量的大小不等,存在著不滿足大樣本條件但是卻有大量歷史數據的待分數據這一現象,將上述方法進一步推廣到每一分類均為自回歸序列ar ( p ) ( p已知)時的數據分類問題,提出了aic _ ar方法。

A variety of conciusions were reached in the fourth chapter f first , the biding scope in ns structure is much larger than that in ncs structure , as a possibie effect , both efficient and illcfficient tral1sferences aic more 1ike1y to take p1ace in ns structure than in ncs structure . 1loxvcver , in ncs structurc , most incf11cie11t tral1sfbre11ccs al1d some effic ] cnt tral1sfcrcnces witl1 lo v corporate va1ue - in1proved lcvel wiil 11ot take place because of t1lc higl1 bidding li111it 第四章將上述兩種結構下公司控制權的轉讓效率進行了綜合比較并得出如下結論:第一,從出價范圍方面來看, ns結構下的控制權轉讓出價范圍比ncs結構下的范圍大很多,其可能的結果是無論有效率的轉讓還是無效率的轉讓在ns結構下發生的可能性都遠高于ncs結構。

It draws lessons from the advantages and disadvantages of akaike information criterion ( aic ) which is commonly used in deciding the order of auto - regression model and of clustering analysis . aiming at the question of how to determine the number of groups , this paper discusses several methods 本文主要借鑒了模型定階中常用的aic方法以及用來進行分類的聚類分析方法中的優點和欠缺,著眼于數據分類時類的個數如何確定這一問題進行探討。

Enlightened by the idea of aic , this paper treats the data of the same group as samples of certain distribution . in this way , it determines the number of groups by seeking the asymptotically unbiased estimate of kullback - leibler information 在aic準則思想的啟發下,將應該同屬于一個分類的數據看作是在某一分布中抽取的樣本,從而通過求kullback - leibler信息量的漸近無偏估計而達到確定類數與數據分類的目的。

He is assisted by chief inspector , force data and access to information coordination , ( cip fd & aic ) who is responsible for liaison on matters of policy with government departments and outside bodies , and also for devising internal guidelines to comply with the ordinance 他并由一名總督察,警隊資料及公開資訊統籌協助,負責政策事宜與政府部門及外間組織磋商,以及制訂內部指引,確保條例得到遵行。

He is assisted by chief inspector , force data and access to information coordination , cip fd aic who is responsible for liaison on matters of policy with government departments and outside bodies , and also for devising internal guidelines to comply with the ordinance 他并由一名總督察,警隊資料及公開資訊統籌協助,負責政策事宜與政府部門及外間組織磋商,以及制訂內部指引,確保條例得到遵行。

Experimental results for the three gorges right hydro station blasting , project are analyzed . a series of data are evaluated by means of analytic hierarchy process so that the optimal plan is obtained , which includes optional parameters , aic technology 接著通過對三峽右岸電站巖石爆破試驗的結果進行分析和整理,取得了一系列的爆破數據,運用層次分析法對這些數據進行處理,得到最優方案。

Logistics . “ ihixxigh ceitciin busiiress | xilicies aixl infbnnation lechix ) logies the nxxlem logistics structure aixl communiaitive model aic o | timi / ed as to enliiincc tire logistics cllicicney lor lire realization of every logistics function 一定的業務策略和信息技術相結合,實現現代物流在業務結構和信息溝通方式上的優化,以期提高物流的效率,為電子商務各項功能的實現提供保證。

The expo was jointly organised by aic worldwide and industry partners aama , the american amusement machine association and iaapa , the international association of amusements parks and attractions 博覽會由aic國際、美國游樂場機器協會及娛樂公園及景點國際協會( iaapa )聯合舉辦,并且得到美國商務部全力支持,并組織一個由四十多家美國公司組成的龐大代表團參與今次展出。

It deals with all kinds of trademark infringements and unfair competition practices , and work with different aic branches such as economic investigation , trademarks advertisement branch , and anti - unfair competition branches for actions 1向工商行政管理部門投訴處理各種商標侵權及不正當競爭行為。涉及的部門包括經檢部門商標廣告部門反不正當競爭部門。

After the filing , we put a lot of efforts to push the case forward , i . e . , the procedure of transferring the application from local administration for industry and commerce to the state aic 隨后,向地方工商行政管理機關投訴要求對在牙膏上使用“吉列jilie ”商標的行為進行查處,并同時提出認定馳名商標的請求。

Introducing aic ( akaike information criterion ) . akaike proposed aic in 1973 . it is widely used in many fields of statistics and has good results in practice 自akaike在1973年提出了aic準則后, aic準則已被人們應用于統計學的許多領域,在實際應用中得到了較好的結果。

Aic - holzbau gmbh & co . kg is a company operating within many ranges and offers wood constructions , noise screens as well as construction elements Kg作為一家具有豐富經驗的經濟型企業,為您提供結構元件、建筑構件,木結構、木結構建筑范圍內效果顯著的、高價值的產品。

In the thesis , the dss application developed in dsse : spatial decision support system for agricultural investment in china ( sdss aic ) is presented 中國科學院遙感所利用dsse環境,開發了全國農業投資決策支持系統( sdss / aic ) 。