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ahura mazda 【祆教】最高的神,創世主,善靈(= Ormazd)。

Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates . is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda , the zoroastrian name for the one god , the “ wise lord ? 學者們不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意義。它是代表瑣羅亞斯德教的唯一神,阿胡瑪茲達, “英明的主”的一個象征肖像嗎?


One of the central motifs of mithraism is the tauroctony , the myth of sacrifice by mithra of a sacred bull created by the supreme deity ahura mazda , which mithra stabs to death in the cave , having been instructed to do so by a crow , sent from ahura mazda 密特拉教的其中一個中心主題就是塔拉托尼,密特拉犧牲的秘密,是一只被至高神阿胡瑪茲達創造的公牛,密特拉在洞穴里被中傷致死,被阿胡瑪茲達派來的烏雅指引去這樣做。

The ring which is held in the achaemenid faravahar ' s hand is still used in sassanian art to depict the royal diadem , which is handed to the new king by the symbolic representation of ahura mazda himself or by the yazata ( guardian spirit ) of waters , anahita 阿切曼尼法拉瓦哈手上持有的環狀物仍然使用在薩珊藝術里,去描繪皇室的王權,給予新國王是對阿胡瑪茲達本身和亞扎塔(水,阿拿希塔的守護靈魂)的象征性描繪。

Monotheism , however , prevails over the cosmogonic and ethical dualism because ahura mazda is father of both spirits , who were divided into the two opposed principles only through their choice and decision 然而,一神論勝過天體演化論和倫理上的二元論,因為阿胡瑪茲達先于兩者的靈魂,只有通過他們的選擇和決定才會分開兩種相反的法則。

Scholars disagree about just what the symbolism of the persian faravahar indicates . is it a symbolic image of ahura mazda , the zoroastrian name for the one god , the “ wise lord ? 學者們不同意波斯法拉瓦哈的象征意義。它是代表瑣羅亞斯德教的唯一神,阿胡瑪茲達, “英明的主”的一個象征肖像嗎?

The current consensus on what the faravahar meant to the ancients who carved it is that it represents not ahura mazda , but the royal glory of the persian king 當前大多數人都認為古代雕刻的法拉瓦哈并不是代表阿胡瑪茲達,而是代表波斯國王的皇室榮耀。

Zoroaster ' s teachings , as noted above , centered on ahura mazda , who is the highest god and alone is worthy of worship 瑣羅亞斯德的教導,正如上面所述,是以阿胡瑪茲達為中心,是最高的神和值得崇拜。

The good qualities represented by these beings are also to be earned and possessed by ahura mazda ' s followers 這些存在物表現出來的良好品質也被阿胡瑪茲達的追隨者獲得和瘋狂的。

The general scholarly opinion , at least in the west , was that the winged disc represented ahura mazda 一般學者主張,至少在西部,有翼的圓盤狀是代表阿胡瑪茲達。

If it represented assur for the assyrians , is it ahura mazda for the persians 它是代表亞述人的戰神阿舒爾,還是波斯人的阿胡瑪茲達?

This does not exclude the possibility that they , too , are creatures of ahura mazda 這個也并不把阿胡瑪茲達的創造物排除在外。