
ahoy int.【航海】喂!啊嗬!〔呼叫他船之聲〕。 Ship ...

Sailors shout “ ship ahoy ! “ when they see another ship at sea 海員們在海上看到其他船只時,就喊道: “啊嗬,船! ”


The whippers - in , who had been moving so deliberately , galloped over the country getting the dogs together , with shouts of stop ! while the huntsmen directed their course with shouts of o o ahoy ! nikolay , natasha , and the uncle and ilagin , who had been hitherto so composed , flew ahead , reckless of how or where they went , seeing nothing but the dogs and the hare , and afraid of nothing but losing sight for an instant of the course 靈貍看管人在放出獵犬時喊道: “捉住它! ”他們在田野上奔跑起來。心平氣和的伊拉金尼古拉娜塔莎和大叔都飛奔著,他們自己也不曉得要怎樣奔跑,跑到何處去,他們只看見獵犬和兔子,提心吊膽,生怕看不見即使是一瞬間的追捕野獸的情景。

China ' s earliest taoist alchemistic artifact : initial study on the gold - mercury ahoy unearthed from no . 2 western han tomb in shuangbaoshan , mianyang , sichuan province 綿陽雙包山漢墓出土金汞合金的初步研究

Electroplating process of silver - nickel ahoy and its application to the production of electrical contact materials 電鍍銀鎳合金工藝及其在電接觸材料生產中的應用

Ahoy there , valiant 喂,瓦蘭特

Ahoy there , valiant 喂,瓦蘭特!

Influence of ion incident angle on microstructures and magnetic properties of fexcr1 - x ahoy films 合金薄膜微結構及磁性的影響

Perfect timing . - ahoy 趕得正巧-是

- perfect timing . - ahoy -趕得正巧-是

Starboard bow ahoy 船首右側發現情況!

You kinda like a chocolate chip . you know what i ' m say - - chip ahoy 你有點象巧克力味兒的土豆片兒你知道我在說什么? ?薯片

You kinda like a chocolate chip . you know what i ' m say - chip ahoy 你有點象巧克力味兒的土豆片兒你知道我在說什么薯片

Little mind are tamed by misfortune , but great mind rises about it , ahoy it 渺小的人被不幸壓倒,偉大的人則壓倒不幸。

Wait a minute , ahoy , mates 伙計們,等一下

Sailors shout “ ship ahoy ! “ when they see another ship at sea 海員們在海上看到其他船只時,就喊道: “啊嗬,船! ”

Ahoy , this is eugene krabs . leave a message 這里是尤金克萊伯,請留言

Block - house , ahoy ! it cried . here s the doctor “木屋里的人聽著,大夫來了。 ”