
ahistorical adj.稗史的;與歷史無關的;無歷史記載的。adv.-a...

Postmodem cboculum studies rise with the reconceptualhation in l970s . reconceptualizaion tends to change cutriculum studies from a fleld that is “ atheoretical “ , “ ahistorical “ , and of technical and prastical oriented in narere to the one of historical , individual and changeable which seeks theorization and conceptualization wun ds own 后現代課程研究興起于70年代的概念重建活動,概念重建旨在使課程研究從一個本質是技術性的、實踐導向的、 “非理論”的和“非歷史”的領域轉變為一個理論化的、概念自主的,本質上是歷史的、個體的和運動變化的領域。


Postmodem cboculum studies rise with the reconceptualhation in l970s . reconceptualizaion tends to change cutriculum studies from a fleld that is “ atheoretical “ , “ ahistorical “ , and of technical and prastical oriented in narere to the one of historical , individual and changeable which seeks theorization and conceptualization wun ds own 后現代課程研究興起于70年代的概念重建活動,概念重建旨在使課程研究從一個本質是技術性的、實踐導向的、 “非理論”的和“非歷史”的領域轉變為一個理論化的、概念自主的,本質上是歷史的、個體的和運動變化的領域。