
ahimsa n.【佛教】不傷生;殺戒。


Eighty percent of the local population is hindu . the brahmins of india have observed ahimsa non - violence and carried out spiritual practice from generation to generation for thousands of years . when the quan yin messenger conversed with them , they all felt as close as family members 由于當地居民有80 %信奉印度教,而印度的婆羅門更是世世代代修行嚴謹且持守不暴力的戒律,所以當觀音使者和他們互相交流時,彼此感覺像一家人般親切。

Surrounded by mountains and an ethereal landscape , pokhara , the second largest city of nepal , is home to many descendants of brahman families whose beautiful tradition of observing a vegetarian diet and the precept of ahimsa have been preserved until today 波卡拉是尼泊爾第二大城,四面環山,風光靈秀。城里有許多是婆羅門的后代,婆羅門持不殺生,他們的后代也保留這個良好的傳統。

In traditional indian philosophy , ahimsa , non - violence , includes three levels the body , the mind and spirituality . in this dvd , master offers an in - depth , detailed explanation of each level , asserting that the worst form of violence is spiritual violence 傳統的印度哲理ahimsa非暴力,包含肉體精神和靈性三種不同的層次,師父在本片dvd中,對每個層次都有深入而圓滿的解釋。

This story discusses the ahimsa ideal . one day , a poor man was walking through a mango grove , where he saw many mangoes on the trees that looked extremely luscious and tempting 有一個人非常貧窮,有一天,他經過一個芒果園,看到芒果樹上結著滿滿的芒果,那些熟透的芒果好漂亮,非常吸引人。

Sentiments in favour of nonviolence ( ahimsa ) and vegetarianism , much encouraged by the heterodox sects , spread during the mauryan period and were greatly encouraged by asoka 支持非暴力和素食主義的觀點,大多是受到非正統教派的鼓勵,在孔雀王朝時期廣泛傳播,大大地受到阿育王的鼓勵。

One is dearest to god who has no enemies among the living beings , who is nonviolent to all creatures . ( sanskrit word ahimsa means nonharm to all life ) 在世間沒有任何敵人的上帝,其所最愛的便是不用暴力傷害一切有情生物的人。

Ahimsa and vegetarianism : a secret precept for attaining everlasting life - pearls of wisdom - the supreme master ching hai hai news magazine . 151 得到永生的秘密戒律-不殺生吃全素

E real meaning of ahimsa 非暴力的真義

The real meaning of ahimsa 非暴力的真義

134 selected questions and answers ahimsa - extending love to our animal fellows 134問答精選不殺生-疼愛弱小兄弟

Ahimsa and being vegetarian : a secret precept for everlasting life 得到永生的秘密戒律-不殺生吃全素

Ahimsa - extending love to our animal fellows 不殺生-疼愛弱小兄弟

Soon gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa (nonviolence) . 不久甘地就四出闡釋非暴力主義思想。