
ahem int.1.啊嗨!〔引起注意〕。2.嗯〔語塞時發音〕。

Ahem , al . don ' t you think we oughta lose the “ agrabah ' s most wanted “ iook 光看他穿的衣服就知道他是個通緝犯

“ ahem ! “ said the mouse with an important air “啊哼! ”耗子神氣十足地說。


Here ' s a little preview of what i ' ve got so far : * ahem * raised as a child in the cloistered confines of candlekeep , < charname > emerged from these humble beginnings to become one of the most powerful mortals to ever set foot upon the face of toril 讓我來念一段我已經寫好關于你的部分(清了清喉嚨)在燭堡與世隔絕的城墻中長大,從這卑微的開始, < charname >成為托瑞爾上有史以來最強的人之一。

Other love : opera . his wife , a board member of the michigan opera theatre , was , ahem , instrumental in bringing the three tenors to detroit for their only 1999 north american appearance 其他嗜好:歌劇。納塞爾的妻子是密歇根州歌劇院的董事會成員,她曾成功地將三大男高音歌唱家邀請到底特律作為他們1999年北美形象的代言人。

Ahem , a . m . ; garrell , r . l . in site photoreduced silver nitrate as a substrate for surface - enhanced raman spectroscopy [ j ] . anal . chem . 1987 , 59 : 2813 李小靈,徐蔚青等.鹽酸羥胺絡合法制備銀溶膠及表面增強拉曼基底[ j ] .高等學校化學學報, 2003 , 24 ( 4 ) : 707

I assume the lure of untold riches - ahem - 25 , 000 gold pieces - has brought you here ? not to mention the possibility of titles of nobility 我猜是那些不可名狀的財富? ?咳? ? 25000枚金幣? ?引領你來到這里的?沒提到那些可能贈與的貴族稱號嗎?

The most aggregious of which was the failure of norika fujiwara and my duet to come through due to . . . ahem , technical difficulties 最具有話題性的就是我和藤原紀香合唱的計劃,因為…嗯…技術上的困難。

This zulu would be added to night stalkers which as is , is a bit * ahem * lacking * ahem * in missions 這種怪物將加入到暗黑漫步者章節中,在任務中這有點像演講者在清嗓子提醒觀眾注意般的感覺。

Ahem . there are many facets of the meatrix yet to be exposed . come on , we ' re going in 嗯哼。肉業界還有許多假面貌沒被揭露出來。走,我們進入到里面去。

The text on the book behind the ( ahem ) impossible - to - open door means something highly significant 出現在神秘之門里書的片段預示著一些非常重要的事

Ross : ahem … i want … . ok , i want to … feel your … hot , soft skin with my lips 恩…我想…好吧,我想要…用我的雙唇感覺你那…火熱,柔軟的皮膚。

Ross : ok , ahem , hey , does anybody know a good place if you ' re not dating a puma 好吧,恩,嘿,你們誰知道如果不和美洲豹約會,去哪里比較好?

Ahem . not yet 嗯.還沒有

I ' m sorry . ahem 對不起,咳咳。

- that ' s funny . - ahem -真有意思-哼

Ahem , you know what 啊咳,你知道嗎

That ' s funny . - ahem 真有意思-哼

Ahem ! what ' s your name ? it ' s so awkward to be calling you young woman 這個! …你叫什么名字?老稱你姑娘多么不好意思。

When do you most not like your friend : when he talks back ( ahem , hyukjae , ahem 什麼時候會不喜歡你的朋友:當他回嘴時。