
ahead adj.〔常作表語〕,adv.1.在前;向前;提前。2....


Backwards, he thought. full speed ahead backwards . 一切都落后了,他想,欲速則不達了。

Just go ahead boldly with your work . 你放手干吧。

From somewhere ahead there came a din of shouting voices . 前面傳來了一陣叫喊的聲音。

She stares directly ahead of her . 她注視著正前方。

I want you to go ahead now and try to be somebody . 我希望你努力上進,將來出人頭地。

The journey ahead of him was, to say the least, hazardous . 前面的道路無疑是艱險的。

Go ahead ! there 's nothing to be afraid of . 干吧!

I went ahead and did the tap . 我提前去做了腰椎穿刺。

He could only see the road for a few yards ahead . 他只能看見前邊路上幾碼遠的地方。

Our car is over there . go straight ahead , please . 我們的車子就在那兒,請往前走。

He was far ahead and she could not reach him . 他已經走得很遠了,她怎么追也沒追上。

Everything was ahead of me . 對我來說,真是前程似錦。

Thank you , i 've eaten already. you go ahead .. 謝謝,我已經先偏了,您請自己吃吧。

He wanted to get ahead just like you and me . 其實他跟你我一樣也很想干出點名堂來。

He pushed ahead with his plans 他堅決按自己的計劃行事。

The firm is pressing ahead with the modernization plan . 公司竭力實施現代化計劃。

The entropy density is constant ahead of the shock . 沖擊波前方的熵密度是恒定的。

When i first got in the army i wanted to get ahead . 剛參軍的時候也一心巴望提升。

The wind was coming from straight ahead . 大風撲面而來。