
ague n.1.瘧疾。2.打冷顫,發冷。


The application which i made use of was perfectly new , and perhaps what had never cur d an ague before , neither can recommend it to any one to practise , by this experiment ; and tho it did carry off the fit , yet it rather contributed to weakening me ; for i had frequent convulsions in my nerves and limbs for some time 我治病的方法,可以說是史無前例的也許,這種方法以前從未治愈過瘧疾。可我也不能把這個方法介紹給別人。用這個方法瘧疾是治好了,但使我身體虛弱不堪。

From the perspective of city planning , the thesis agues that the preservation of historic districts is a systematic project , and the protection of historic buildings is only part of it . every aspect of social and economic life , such as government support , public participation , fund raising , planning , administrative and travel , contributes to not only how smooth the task of the preservation goes , but also the results of the preservation 本文從城市規劃的角度,闡述歷史街區的保護是一個系統工程,古建筑的保護措施僅僅只是其中的一部分,政府的作用、公眾參與、保護和更新的資金來源、規劃管理以及文化旅游等涉及社會、經濟和生活的每一個觸角都影響著歷史街區保護與更新工作進行的順利程度和保護更新結果。

La carconte muttered a few inarticulate words , then let her head again drop upon her knees , and went into a fit of ague , leaving the two speakers to resume the conversation , but remaining so as to be able to hear every word they uttered 卡爾貢特娘們又嘟噥了幾句別人聽不清的話,然后,她又把頭垂了下去,由于發燒而在不住地發抖,那兩個談話人重新拾起話頭。她剛坐在那兒,聽著他們所說的每一個字。

I also will do this unto you ; i will even appoint over you terror , consumption , and the burning ague , that shall consume the eyes , and cause sorrow of heart : and ye shall sow your seed in vain , for your enemies shall eat it 利26 : 16我待你們就要這樣、我必命定驚惶、叫眼目乾癟、精神消耗的癆病、熱病、轄制你們你們也要白白的撒種、因為仇敵要吃你們所種的。

Huck s heart shot into his throat , but he swallowed it again ; and then he stood there shaking as if a dozen agues had taken charge of him at once , and so weak that he thought he must surely fall to the ground 哈克的心一下子跳到嗓子眼,他強忍著,站在那里好像打擺子似的直抖,直抖得要摔倒在地上。他知道他在什么地方。

Pierre noticed that he was pale , and that his lower jaw was quivering and working as though in ague 皮埃爾發現他臉色蒼白,下頷跳動著,顫栗著,像因冷熱病發作而打戰似的。

Heathcliff , having stared his son into an ague of confusion , uttered a scornful laugh 希刺克厲夫盯著他的兒子,盯得他兒子慌張打顫,他發出一聲嘲弄的笑聲。

An ague very violent ; the fit held me seven hours , cold fit and hot , with faint sweats after it 發作一次持續七小時,時冷時熱,最后終于出了點汗。

The ague again so violent , that i lay a - bed all day , and neither eat or drank 于是,我又睡著了。這一次,我做了一個惡夢。

An ague in the spring is physic for a king 春天一場病,一年不服藥。

Cried jabez stone , in an ague of fear 杰貝茲?斯通嚇得直哆嗦叫出聲來了。

Your enquiry is too ague to enable us to reply you 你們的詢盤不明確,我們無法答復。

Quartan ague kill old men , and cure young 三日瘧,青年能治好,老人見閻王。

Cried jabez stone, in an ague of fear . 杰貝茲斯通嚇得直哆嗦叫出聲來了。