
aground adj.〔用作表語],adv.1.在地上。2.擱淺,觸礁...

I see i d got to invent a bar , or forget the name of the one we got aground on - or - now i struck an idea , and fetched it out : “ it warn t the grounding - that didn t keep us back but a little 我看我得發明一個淺灘的名字才行,再不然就說把擱淺的地方的名字給忘了再不然這時我想到了一個念頭,于是脫口說了出來: “倒不是因為擱淺這不過耽誤了我們不一會兒的時間。

Boat get aground ? “ yes m - she - “ don t say yes m - say aunt sally “是,太太船” “別說,是的,太太就叫我薩莉阿姨。


As one kind of knowledge , judicial knowledge is under the cognitive back aground of particular society . judicial cognition bears the characteristics of historical attribute and social attribute . though mode of thinking and cognitive ability , the social cognitive background influences the judicial decision 作為一種認識,司法認識像其他認識活動一樣是特定社會認知背景下的認識;在特定認識背景下,司法認識呈現出歷史屬性,社會屬性的特點;社會認知背景通過對思維方式、認識能力的影響作用于司法判決。

The bull seed william , and took after him , horns aground , begad ; and though william runned his best , and hadn t much drink in him considering twas a wedding , and the folks well off , he found he d never reach the fence and get over in time to save himself 公牛看見威廉,天呀,把頭上的角一晃就追了過去盡管威廉拼命地跑,而且酒他也喝得不多因為那是婚禮,辦婚事的人家也很有錢,但是他還是感到他沒法及時跑到樹籬跟前跳過去,救自己的命。

During the passage of typhoon ellen to hong kong in 1983 , its hurricane winds broke the signal mast at the station and caused a vessel to run aground on tung wan beach . the last no . 10 signal hoisted at the station was associated with typhoon york in 1999 另外,一九八三年愛倫襲港期間,信號站受到嚴重破壞,站內懸掛風球的桅桿也給大風打彎,亦有一艘貨船在長洲東灣的沙灘上擱淺。

Under the influence of songda , at least 32 people were killed and over 900 were injured in japan . electricity supply to tens of thousands families was cut off . more than 300 flights were cancelled . one vessel sank and three others ran aground 在桑達影響下,日本有最少32人死亡, 900多人受傷,數萬用戶的電力中斷,逾300班航機被取消,一艘船舶沉沒,三艘擱淺。

I see i d got to invent a bar , or forget the name of the one we got aground on - or - now i struck an idea , and fetched it out : “ it warn t the grounding - that didn t keep us back but a little 我看我得發明一個淺灘的名字才行,再不然就說把擱淺的地方的名字給忘了再不然這時我想到了一個念頭,于是脫口說了出來: “倒不是因為擱淺這不過耽誤了我們不一會兒的時間。

Alone and without luggage , wang boarded a boat in a coastal fujian province and set sail for america with more than a hundred people , hoping to begin a new life here . unfortunately , the boat wrecked and ran aground in guam 王只身無行李,與一百多人由福建搭船到美國,想要過一個新的生活,后來船破了,擱淺在關島,她被送到波特蘭的少年拘留所。

Wing on iv which had gone aground at shangchuan dao , about 172 kilometres southwest of hong kong . it was taking in water and 23 seamen needed to be rescued 該艘貨船在距離香港西南約一百七十二公里的上川島擱淺,船倉不斷入水,船上二十三名船員身陷險境,亟待救援。

During the passage of vongfong , a river trade vessel ran aground at about 60 km southwest of hong kong . all the crew were rescued by the government flying service 在黃蜂影響本港期間,一艘內河船在香港西南面約60公里處擱淺,所有船員均由政府飛行服務隊救起。

39 when daylight came , they did not recognize the land , but they saw a bay with a sandy beach , where they decided to run the ship aground if they could 39到了天亮,他們不認識那地方,但見一個海灣,有岸可登,就商議能把船攏進去不能。

When daylight came , they did not recognize the land , but they saw a bay with a sandy beach , where they decided to run the ship aground if they could 39到了天亮、他們不認識那地方、但見一個海灣、有岸可登、就商議能把船攏進去不能。

A motorised sampan measuring about 7 . 5 metres by 1 . 2 metres , suspected to be in connection with the case , was later found aground at lung kwu tan 警方其后發現一只約長七點五米及闊一點二米的機動舢舨于龍鼓灘擱淺,相信與案有關。

41 but the ship struck a sandbar and ran aground . the bow stuck fast and would not move , and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding of the surf 41但遇著兩水夾流的地方,就把船擱了淺;船頭膠住不動,船尾被浪的猛力沖壞。

Yet at some point the economies of scale are bound to run aground on the cost of upgrading ports to handle ever larger vessels 從某種程度上來說,為容納更大貨船而進行港口升級的成本十分昂貴,對規模經濟的追求必將因此而擱淺。

But the ship struck a sandbar and ran aground . the bow stuck fast and would not move , and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding of the surf 41但遇著兩水夾流的地方、就把船擱了淺船頭膠住不動、船尾被浪的猛力沖壞。

Once upon a time , a group of fishes are aground at low water . a child hurried to cast them into the sea one by one after he saw them 從前,有一群魚因為潮汐的原因擱淺到岸上,有一個孩子看到后,忙把擱淺的魚一條條拋回大海。

A cargo vessel sank west of lantau island , but its five crew were rescued by a government flying service helicopter . two other vessels went aground 一艘貨輪在大嶼山以西沉沒, 5名船員全獲飛行服務隊拯救,另兩艘船只擱淺。

Attempts to buy stronger firms such as unocal and maytag in america ran aground , mostly for political reasons 而對實力較強企業的收購則大多由于政治原因擱淺,比方對美國的聯合加州石油公司和美泰克公司的收購。