
agrotechnician n.農業技術員,農技師。

In the past year , led and encouraged by governments at all levels and organizations concerned , women in poor rural areas have taken an active part in the campaign of “ learning culture and technology , and emulating each other in achievements and contributions . “ numerous women have been taught to read and write , and some of them have undergone applied technology training and obtained the title of agrotechnician , and are now playing leading roles in developing productivity by reliance on science and technology in the poverty - stricken areas 近年來,在各級政府和有關組織的支持和帶動下,農村貧困地區婦女積極參加“雙學雙比” (學文化、學技術,比成績、比貢獻)活動,眾多婦女脫盲,一些婦女接受了實用技術培訓并獲得農民技術員職稱,成為貧困地區依靠科技發展生產的帶頭人。


In the past year , led and encouraged by governments at all levels and organizations concerned , women in poor rural areas have taken an active part in the campaign of “ learning culture and technology , and emulating each other in achievements and contributions . “ numerous women have been taught to read and write , and some of them have undergone applied technology training and obtained the title of agrotechnician , and are now playing leading roles in developing productivity by reliance on science and technology in the poverty - stricken areas 近年來,在各級政府和有關組織的支持和帶動下,農村貧困地區婦女積極參加“雙學雙比” (學文化、學技術,比成績、比貢獻)活動,眾多婦女脫盲,一些婦女接受了實用技術培訓并獲得農民技術員職稱,成為貧困地區依靠科技發展生產的帶頭人。