
agrotechnical adj.農業技術的。


This article takes the basic of agrotechnical diffusion as the main line , regards the whole system of agrotechnical diffusion as a dynamic consecutive course , and divided the course into three sub - systems , viz . science and technological innovation , technical diffusion and technical application . the contact of the three depends on the flow of information in different course in the whole system 本文以農業技術擴散的基本路徑為主線,將整個農業技術擴散系統看做一個動態的連續過程,并將這個過程劃分為科技創新,技術推廣和技術應用三個子過程,它們在系統中的聯系是由信息在不同過程間流動來完成的。

It further discusses the operation mechanism of the system of agrotechnical diffusion and indicates that the essence of technical diffusion is information diffusion , and the system depends on the course which information flows from the fountainhead to the receivers . and it analyzed the ingredients which influence the information flowing in the system . intruding shannon ’ s information 進一步探討了農業技術擴散系統的運行機制,并指出,技術擴散實質是信息的傳播,是建立在信息從信息源到接收者之間的流動過程,對技術推廣系統中影響信息流動的因素進行分析,引入shannon的信息熵計算方法,對信息接受者的信息接收含量進行測度,通過對所得的數值進行比較,運用定量與定性分析相結合的方法證明技術推廣活動的效率。

In influencing the inside factors of peasant household ' s decision , have householder ' s schooling , population , workforce ' s quantity and land area , householder ' s schooling and land area exert a great influence on peasant household ' s decision ; the external factors of influencing peasant household ' s decision have natural environment conditions , agrotechnical to popularize cost and benefit , policy , market , community and neighbourhood relation , popularize service system 在影響農戶決策的內部因素中,有戶主文化程度、人口和勞動力數量及土地面積,戶主文化程度和土地面積對農戶決策的影響較大;影響農戶決策的外部因素有自然環境條件、農技推廣成本與效益、政策、市場、社區及鄰里關系、推廣服務體系。

On the foundation of standardizing the conception of agrotechnical diffusion , this article indicates that the agricultural diffusion is an important method to quicken the transform of agricultural technology , a way for the science and technology to make the agriculture product be modern scientific , a mean to make progress of agriculture , rural area , and increasing the farmers ’ income 在對涉及技術擴散的概念進行規范的基礎上,說明了農業推廣是加快農業技術轉化的重要手段,是科學技術裝備農業,使農業生產現代化的途徑,也是實現農業發展,農村進步,農民增收的重要手段。

Peasant households are affected by natural environment condition , the policy and market factor mainly while confirming that plants the cotton , the level of cotton price of the market has influence on the adjustment that peasant households plant the cotton area the coming year , during the process of using the variety of cotton , lay particular emphasis on and consider and popularize cost and benefit , community , neighbourhood relation and agricultural extension service system while being agrotechnical 農戶在確定是否種植棉花時主要受自然環境條件、政策和市場因素的影響,市場棉花價格的高低對農戶來年植棉面積的調整有影響,而在使用棉花品種的過程中,則側重考慮農技推廣成本與效益、社區及鄰里關系和農業推廣服務體系。

The agrotechnical diffusion , which begins with technological innovation , is the course that generalizes to the agricultural consumers by the technical extended organization 農業技術的擴散是始自技術創新,經過技術推廣組織推廣到農業生產用戶的過程。

Improving mode of quot; agrotechnical station plus professional associations quot; to make science and technique step into peasant households and get better income 農技站加協會模式促進科技入戶促進農民增收淺談

Journal of agrotechnical economics 農業技術經濟