
agronomy n.農學;作物學。

This was project was the result of an unsolicited proposal from the potash and phosphate institute of canada ppic and canpotex . it is an outgrowth of 15 years of cida co - operation with the canadian potash industry through phases 1 to 3 of a “ potash agronomy project “ which has produced dramatic results . the goal of the project is to promote environmentally sustainable development by enhancing the capacity of farmers , decision - makers and policy - makers in china to apply and promote the balanced use of fertilizers as a means to meeting the growing demand for food and fibre 在過去20年間1982 - 2001 ,在中華人民共和國對外貿易經濟合作部moftec和加拿大國際開發署cida的組織協調下,中華人民共和國農業部moa組織中國農業科學院caas和浙江湖北廣東廣西江西四川湖南吉林遼寧黑江河南河北山東省農業科學院等科研單位和加拿大鉀磷研究所ppi ppic成功地完成了三期“中國-加拿大鉀肥農學發展項目” 。

Based on visual rice growth models ( vrgm ) and the techniques of “ vigorous root - strong culm - heavy panicle “ , “ once - for - all basal application “ etc , rice expert system of cultivation management for high yield has functions of inquiry , optimum decision on agronomy measures , cultivation management decision , diagnosis and control of physiological problems , disease and insect pests 該系統以可視水稻生長模型系統為基礎,以水稻“旺壯重”栽培技術、一次性全層施肥技術、水稻全程化控工程等研究成果為知識中心,試圖覆蓋水稻全部栽培過程和方式,為水稻栽培管理決策提供優化方案。


Under the guidance of system engineering idea , and based on synthesizing the theory and methodology of agronomy , ecology , statistics and computer science , the multimedia agricultural information database including spatial data , attribute data , photograph data and net resource data was developed by widely collecting , and further standardizing and normalizing agricultural resource data , special data ( variety data , soil data , atmospheric data , and country economic information ) , and internet agricultural information . furthermore , by deeply and systematically studying the characteristics of all kinds of the system structures of the information management systems , and according to the design concept of software engineering , modularization and soft - component , the browser / server mode & web - based agricultural information management system ( waims ) with the functions of information collection , query , analysis , calculation , prediction and maintenance was developed by utilizing the net computer program language . by using the safe security technology of b / s mode based information system , a complete new role - based safe manipulating model of information system was introduced into the agricultural information management system to establish integrated function for safety control 在系統工程思想指導下,綜合應用農學、生態學、統計學以及計算機科學等學科的基本理論與方法,通過廣泛收集農業資源信息數據、專題數據(如品種數據、土壤數據、氣象數據、農村經濟信息等)和internet網上農業科技信息,并對這些信息進行標準化和規范化,建立包括屬性數據、圖片數據、網絡資源等在內的多媒體農業信息數據庫,進一步通過深入系統地研究信息管理系統的各種體系結構的特點,按照軟件工程和模塊化和構件化設計思想,使用網絡計算機編程語言,研制具備信息采網絡化農業信息管理系統的構建與實現集、查詢、分析、統計、預測、維護、輸出等設計功能的基于瀏覽器/服務器模式( b / s模式)的網絡化農業信息管理系統( waims ) o4 .利用基于b / s模式的信息系統安全保障技術將一種全新的墓于角色的信息系統安全控制模型引入到農業信息管理系統中,構建了系統完整的安全控制功能,為農業信息、管理系統的安全使用提供了有力保障。

This was project was the result of an unsolicited proposal from the potash and phosphate institute of canada ppic and canpotex . it is an outgrowth of 15 years of cida co - operation with the canadian potash industry through phases 1 to 3 of a “ potash agronomy project “ which has produced dramatic results . the goal of the project is to promote environmentally sustainable development by enhancing the capacity of farmers , decision - makers and policy - makers in china to apply and promote the balanced use of fertilizers as a means to meeting the growing demand for food and fibre 在過去20年間1982 - 2001 ,在中華人民共和國對外貿易經濟合作部moftec和加拿大國際開發署cida的組織協調下,中華人民共和國農業部moa組織中國農業科學院caas和浙江湖北廣東廣西江西四川湖南吉林遼寧黑江河南河北山東省農業科學院等科研單位和加拿大鉀磷研究所ppi ppic成功地完成了三期“中國-加拿大鉀肥農學發展項目” 。

Professor yuan s remarkable achievement in hybrid rice research won him numerous awards and honours from the united nations and worldwide . among his many awards are science prize of united nations educational , scientific and cultural organization , gold medal award for the outstanding inventor of the united nations world intellectual property organization , medal of honour for food security and sustainable development of the united nations food and agriculture organisation , rank prize for agronomy and nutrition of the united kingdom , and fukui international koshihikari rice prize of japan 多年來,聯合國及國際知名學術教育機構先后授予袁隆平教授多個科學獎項及榮譽稱號,其中包括聯合國教科文組織的科學獎、聯合國世界知識產權組織的杰出發明家金質獎章、聯合國糧農組織的糧食安全保障榮譽獎章、英國郎克基金會的郎克基金獎及日本越光國際水稻獎等。

The thesis aims at combining landscape architecture , agronomy and tourism together , primaryly investigating the landscape design theoretics applicable to the sightseeing agricultural parks . the focus of the thesis and the explanation of the static and dynamic elements of sightseeing agricultural parks is relatively new not only in the field of sightseeing agri - tourism but also of landscape architecture , to some extend it has practical value and appliance meaning in both of those fields 本文力求把景觀建筑學、農學和旅游學三者融合于一體,初步探索適用于觀光農園的景觀設計理念,所闡述的中心思想以及對觀光農園動態、靜態景觀要素的解析,在觀光農業和景觀建筑學領域都屬于較新的見解,具有一定的實用價值和推廣意義。

In order to support resource and fertilizer recycling of agricultural waste , the paper have utilized the field randomized block experiment , and analyzed the effects of bio - fertilizer and organic - inorganic fertilizer made by wheat straw and chicken manure on some agronomy character of spring and summer so wing soybean compared with fertilization of chemical fertilizer and no fertilizer 摘要為了為農業廢棄物的資源化、肥料化和循環利用提供參考依據,采用大田隨機區組試驗,以單施化肥和不施肥為對照,研究了以麥草、雞糞為原料自制的生物有機肥和有機無機復混肥對春播和夏播大豆的植株性狀、生育期、產量和品質的影響。

Though china has potential comparative advantages of developing the organic agriculture in such aspects as natural resources , workforce resources and traditional agronomy technology , and the objective request for it , there are considerable disparities in the organic agriculture development level between the developed countries and china , and between the due level itself and china . therefore , the potential advantages fail to turn into the realistic competition 中國雖然在自然資源、勞動力資源、傳統農藝技術等方面具有發展有機農業的潛在優勢,也存在著發展有機農業的客觀要求,但中國有機農業的發展水平與先進國家存在著較大差距,與自身應有的水平也存在較大差距,潛在優勢未能變為現實的競爭力。

Based on synthesizing the theory and methodology of agronomy , ecology , statistics and computer science , the multimedia agricultural information database including spatial data , attribute data , photograph data and net resource data was developed by widely collecting , and further standardizing and normalizing agricultural resource data , special data ( variety data , soil data , atmospheric data , and country economic information ) , and internet agricultural information . furthermore , the browser / server mode & web - based agricultural information management system with the functions of information collection , query , analysis , calculation , prediction , and maintenance was developed . this research would help make the management of agricultural database systematic , standardized and intelligent 本研究綜合農學、生態學、統計學以及計算機科學等的基本理論與方法,通過廣泛收集農業資源信息數據、專題數據(如品種數據、土壤數據、氣象數據、農村經濟信息等)和internet網上農業信息,并對這些信息進行標準化和規范化,建立了包括屬性數據、圖片數據、網絡資源等在內的多媒體農業信息數據庫,進一步構建了具備信息采集、查詢、分析、統計、預測、維護、輸出等設計功能的基于瀏覽器服務器模式( b s模式)的網絡化農業信息管理系統( waims ) ,有助于實現農業數據庫的系統化、標準化和智能化。

This study run through the basic idea of ecoregional approach methodology and systematic design by integrating agronomy , ecology , environmental economics , resource economics and maths . the study methods included macro - and micro - analysis , qualitative and quantitative analysis , theoretical and case study , statistical analysis and model simulation and so on . resources shortage and environmental pollution casued by intensive agriculture were examined for a specific suburban area shunyi district beijingissues were systematically analyzed including landuse changes , landuse driving force , water - limited yield simulation with wofost model , ecological , environmental and economical analysis of landuse , as well as optimizing pattern of landuse with rcsadss model 本研究立足于生態區域法的基本思路,采用系統設計的思想,通過農學、生態學、環境經濟學、資源經濟學、數學等多學科的交叉與融合,宏觀與微觀、定性與定量、理論與實證研究等相結合的方法,運用統計分析、模型模擬等技術手段,在大量調研基礎上,針對目前大城市郊區農業用地中存在資源短缺、環境污染等問題,以北京市順義區為典例,從土地利用現狀與動態、驅動力、 wofost模型產量模擬、生態環境經濟分析及種植業結構優化模式等方面進行了系統研究,獲得如下研究結果: ( 1 ) 2002年順義區的土地利用仍以農業用地為主,耕地、園地、林地和牧草地之和占總土地面積的56 ,農用地中糧食作物仍占43 。

The european journal of agronomy , the official journal of the european society for agronomy , publishes original research papers reporting experimental and theoretical contributions to crop science in many fields , such as crop physiology , crop production and management , agroclimatology and modelling , plant - soil relationships , crop quality and post - harvest physiology , farming and cropping systems , and agroecosystems and the environment 描述: 《歐洲農學雜志》是歐洲農學會的會刊,刊登有關農作物科學方面的實踐性與理論性的原創性文章,涉及作物生理學、作物生產與管理、農業氣候學與模擬、植物與土壤的關系、作物質量與生理學、耕作與作物系統及農業生態系統與環境等學科。

Based on visual rice growth models ( vrgm ) and the techniques of “ vigorous root - strong culm - heavy panicle “ , “ once - for - all basal application “ etc , rice expert system of cultivation management for high yield has functions of inquiry , optimum decision on agronomy measures , cultivation management decision , diagnosis and control of physiological problems , disease and insect pests 該系統以可視水稻生長模型系統為基礎,以水稻“旺壯重”栽培技術、一次性全層施肥技術、水稻全程化控工程等研究成果為知識中心,試圖覆蓋水稻全部栽培過程和方式,為水稻栽培管理決策提供優化方案。

The study of soil degradation has become the focus of the 21st century inter - national pedology , agronomy , hydrology , environmental science and soil erosion science , however , a lot of theoretical problems and course mechanism about soil degradation are uncertain hitherto 土壤退化研究已成為21世紀國際土壤學、農學、水文學、環境科學及侵蝕學科關注的熱點,但是直到今天為止有關土壤退化的許多理論問題及過程機理尚不清楚。

The application status of crop - yield assess by remote sensing is reviewed . 4 aspects are prospected of technique - integration , facility service , data processing , agro - standardization , agronomy - mechanism , widening consumer 摘要總結了國內外作物遙感估產的狀況,并對作物遙感的技術集成和便利化服務、數據處理、農業標準化、農學機理、擴大用戶需求共4個方面作了展望。

The university offers courses for 80 bachelor ' s degree programs and 27 diploma programs covering 10 disciplines , including economics , law , education , literature , history , science , technology , agronomy , medicine and administration 該大學現有80個本科專業和27個專科專業,覆蓋了經濟學、法學、教育學、文學、歷史學、理學、工學、農學、醫學、管理學等10大學科門類。

Determining the properties of test films and analysis of agronomy characters showed that the light conversion polyethylene films had active effects in promoting light synthesis , biological behavior and plant growth in agriculture 通過對供試轉光膜的性能測試和農藝性狀分析,表明轉日光型聚乙烯農用棚膜具有優異的光學效應和生物效應,有益于農作物的增產增收。

Exhibits include antiquities , poetry , calligraphy , children s songs , handicrafts , religious items , costumes , and utensils . the hall also offers a detailed introduction to lotus agronomy , genetic research , and pest and disease control 資訊館中充分展出與蓮相關的民俗文化古物,包含詩詞對聯兒歌生活工藝宗教服飾器物等,更提供蓮作新知資訊交流的場所。

The system integrates the compute with the agronomy . it has the characteristic of high technology , comprehensive function , configuration criterion , interface friendly , easily studying and utility 該系統將計算機技術和農學知識有機結合,技術先進、功能全面、結構規范、界面友好、易學實用。

Conservation tillage equipment and agronomy is being demonstrated to reduce tillage passes , conserve moisture , reduce soil loss , improve seed placement , reduce costs and improve yields 為了減少耕作過程保護土壤水分減少土壤流失改善種植狀況減少成本和提高產量示范了保護耕作設備和農藝技術。