
agronomist n.耕作學家,農學家。


Through analyzing guan zi , zhao guo , fan sheng zhi shu , si min yue ling and other agricultural books , some agronomists on agricultural education , it states that in west han and east han dynasties agricultural science and technology made great progress , such as soil and tillage , drainage and irrigation , farm implements , crop cultivation , gardening , silkworm raising and mulberry growing , environment and ecology , agricultural economics and management 通過對《管子》 、趙過、 《 ?勝之書》 、 《四民月令》等農書及農業科學家農業教育的闡述,指出了兩漢時期的農業教育主要在農業科技教育方面取得進展,具體體現在土壤耕作教育、農田水利教育、農機具教育、作物栽培知識教育、園藝知識教育、蠶桑知識教育、環境生態教育、農業經濟管理教育等方面。

Eight existing senior agronomists , technicians few , and invited a renowned master craftsman waxy maize experts : national corn engineering technology research center zhangxuexin do waxy maize production consultant 現有中高級農藝師8人,技術員數名,并特聘請國內知名糯玉米專家:國家玉米工程技術研究中心主任張學信做糯玉米生產顧問。

There is more than 3500 mu standardized demonstration base under the company while ten more senior agronomist , agronomist and technicians working for it 公司所屬標準化示范基地三千五百余畝,擁有高級農藝師、農藝師、技術員十余人。

The crop did not grow well what with species and what with non - uniform top application of fertilizer , according to an agronomist 這片莊稼長得不好據一位農學家看一方面是由于品種,另一方面是由于追肥不勻。

Agronomists and the like have taken to breeding all sorts of vegetables and fruits - - - - changing their original nature 農學家之類的人物搞起了各種蔬菜和水果的培育一一改變它們原有的特性。

Presumably , both economies would have fertile soil , agronomists , refrigerated packing plants and ports 推測看來,兩個國家都應該擁有肥沃的土壤、農藝學家、冷凍包裝工廠和港口。

“ agronomists say the earth has the potential to support many more inhabitants - up to 15 billion 農藝學家說,地球具有支持更多住民最多可達一百五十億的潛力。

This factor can be fine tuned by the agronomist or farmer working at a specific site 這可通過在某一特定地點工作的農學家或農民來精細地調整。

Forest ecologists have been more concerned than agronomists with the inner mechanisms of natural and artificial ecosystems . 森林生態學家比農學家更關心天然生態系統和人工生態系統的內部機制。

Agronomists are concerned with the production of crops for food, feed, and fibre . 農學工作者應學習食物、飼料和纖維作物的生產。