
agronomic adj.農業的,農藝的。 agronomic pract...


Effect of different zn2 activities on agronomic characteristics of rice oryza sativa l . genotype with zn - rich in grain 鋅離子活度對籽粒富鋅基因型水稻農藝特性的影響

Effects of spraying of fertilizer mo on the agronomic and economic properties of flue - cured tobacco in sichuan province 噴施鉬肥對四川烤煙農藝與經濟性狀的影響研究

Study on improvement effect in shenzong co hc2 fc3 population in agronomic traits by means of recurrent selection 群體在輪回選擇作用下農藝性狀的遺傳改良效果的研究

The initial study of the relationship between meteorological factors and agronomic characters of soybean in beijing area 北京地區夏大豆農藝性狀與氣象條件關系初探

Analysis on genetic variation of agronomic and economic traits of cotton in m5 progeny irradiated by ray 優異纖維品質陸地棉和轉基因抗蟲棉的雜種優勢和親子相關性

Variation of major agronomic characters and resistance to blast of mutant lines by space mutation in oryza sativa 辣椒雜種一代生化特性與農藝性狀的灰色關聯分析

Study on effect and change rules of the main agronomic characters of different densities for ensiling maize 青貯玉米密度對主要農藝性狀的影響及其演變規律的研究

Relationship among agronomic characters of the different growth period in tumorous stem mustard var . tumida tsen et lee 莖瘤芥各生育期農藝性狀間的關系研究

Path analysis of sowing rate , sowing time and density experiment to yield and agronomic traits of quot; jinyou 554 quot 密度試驗對產量與農藝性狀的通徑分析

Effects of different plant growth regulators and nutriments on the agronomic traits and quality in flue - cured tobacco 配施對烤煙農藝性狀和化學成分的影響

A wider stomatal aperture of rice variety proved to be a desirable agronomic character for high yielding 已證明氣孔較大的水稻品種是理想的高產農學性狀。

Study on genetic improvement of major agronomic characters of mid - maturity soybeans in heilongjiang province 黑龍江省中熟大豆品種主要性狀遺傳改進的研究

Heavy metal concentrations in soils and main agronomic crops in restored bayi manganese mine , guangxi 廣西八一錳礦區土壤和主要農作物重金屬含量的研究

Analysis of represent and relation on the agronomic characters of the germplasm resources of soybean 不同產地大豆種質資源農藝性狀的表現與相關性分析

Identification of agronomic and quality charaters of soybean varieties with lacking lipoxygenase in guizhou 貯藏年份對大豆種子活力及農藝性狀的影響

The correlation analysis between amylose content and agronomic traits of autotetraploid rice 同源四倍體水稻直鏈淀粉含量與農藝性狀的相關性研究

Grey relational analysis of fat , protein content and agronomic characters in soybean 葉綠素缺乏水稻突變體中光系統蛋白和葉綠素合成特性的研究

Evaluation on agronomic characters of local rice germplasm with heavy spike and big grain in guizhou 貴州地方稻種大穗大粒型種質資源性狀評價

Study on the correlation of agronomic traits and heterobeltiosis of javanica rice and its hybrid 爪哇稻與其雜交種的性狀相關性和超親優勢研究