
agrochemical n.1.農業化學制品;農業化學藥品。2.從農產品中提取的...


It is becoming more and more difficult to discover new pesticides , due largely to the increasing environmental and highly competitive nature of the agrochemical market . in an effort to maximize the chances of discovering new active compounds , the emphasis in recent years has been on increasing the number of compounds tested , both on the primary screens and on the follow - up screens . the objective of this research is to establish a new herbicidal screening method which quick , accurate and simple 農藥的生物篩選是新農藥研究開發中的一個重要環節,由于越來越嚴格的環境要求以及農藥市場競爭的加劇,新農藥的創制變得越來越困難;特別是組合化學在新藥合成中的應用,使得化合物合成的速度大大提高,因此,不斷提高對新化合物篩選的命中率,即增加進入生物篩選的化合物的數量成為發現既對環境安全、又具有卓越性能的新農藥品種的一種有效途徑。

The product is widely used for industry of petrochemical making acid and alkali smelting colouredmetal craft of washing with acid in the automobile manufacturing separating thulium agrochemical dyestuff medicament paper making plating wireless etc . to transport acid lye oil rare and valuable liquor poisonous liquid volatile liquid , especially used to ransport combustible explosive big specific gravity liquid 本產品廣泛適用于:石油化工制酸制堿有色金屬冶煉,汽車制造中的酸洗工藝,稀土分離農藥染料醫藥造紙,電鍍,無線電等行業

The product is widely used for industry of petrochemical making acid and alkali smelting colouredmetal craft of washing with acid in the automobile manufacturing separating thulium agrochemical dyestuff medicament paper making plating wireless etc . the temperature in point : - 20100 本產品廣泛適用于:石油化工制酸制堿有色金屬冶煉,汽車制造的酸洗工藝,稀土分離農藥染料醫藥造紙,電鍍,無線電等行業。

The sulfonylurea herbicides with extremely high effect , low poison , low cost and other characteristics get the extensive expansion application quickly after the development , which 15 one of the important milestones of the agrochemical development history 摘要磺酰脲類除草劑開發以后,因其超高效、低毒,低成本等特性,迅速得到廣泛的推廣應用,其開發成為農藥發展史上的一個重要里程碑。

The conference is concurrent with the 8th china international agrochemical & crop protection exhibition that is the most authoritative agrochemical & crop protection exhibition in china pesticide field 會議特點:與“第八屆中國國際農用化學品及植保展覽會”同期召開,是中外學者、專家與客商共同交流的一個國際平臺,是中外農藥工業與科技領域的一個學術兼商業性質的盛會。

Specializes in the manufacture and custom synthesis of pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates , fine chemicals and solvents . features company profile , product information and online order form . located in huai an city , china -生產醫藥中間體,如ho - epcp epcp雙氧哌嗪酰氯對氯苯胺鄰氯二苯酮二苯甲酮3 , 4 -二氯苯胺等,包括公司簡介產品介紹供求熱線等

Based on the analyses of outcrops , core , log data , agrochemical information , etc . which can be recognized as delta sedimentary system in zibei oilfield , each sedimentary systematic characteristic and their genetic is analyzed carefully 在沉積體系分析的基礎上,考慮到地質作用過程中的全球性、旋回性、可對比性及砂體預測的實用性等方面。

4 . this product was have no by the heat processing special taboo have no side effect , in no way the agrochemical composition and other he increase , pure natural keep the body burdock root tea , can have peace of mind to drink everyday 4 .本產品經高溫處理無特殊禁忌無副作用,絕無農藥成份及其它他添加,純天然養身牛蒡茶,可每日安心飲用。

Containing fluorine meticulous chemicals : containing fluorine middling products , containing fluorine medicine , containing fluorine agrochemical , containing fluorine surfactants , various containing fluorine handling chemical preparation , etc 含氟精細化學品:含氟中間體、含氟醫藥、含氟農藥、含氟表面活性劑及各種含氟處理劑等。

Manufacturer of fine chemicals , and pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates , offering a small but diverse range of predominantly aromatic chemicals . located in shanghai and lanxi , china -生產芐胺,鄰氯苯甲酰氯,對氯苯甲酰氯, n甲基芐胺, -苯乙胺,糠胺,四甲基己二胺,延遲催化劑,聚氨酯催化劑,農藥中間體

The insecurity factor including the pack material , additive , the living creature , the bane , agrochemical stay , pollution of the environment etc on food package were discussed 摘要風險分析是近年來國際上出現的保證安全的一種新的模式,為保護消費者的健康,食品包裝建立科學系統的危害的評估、管理及其防范尤為重要。

Chemical manufacturer and distributor located in california , specialized in supplying fluorine - containing chemicals , as well as agrochemical and pharmaceutical intermediates and active ingredients - iso9001質量認證,提供石油添加劑氟化物潤滑油聚氨酯四大系列六十多種產品,包括公司介紹產品介紹供求信息等

Syngenta is a word - leading company that is committed to promoting sustainable agrochemical through the widespread implementation of innovative research and technology solutions 單位簡介先正達是世界領先的農藥化學科技公司,致力于通過創新和科技為農業可持續發展作出貢獻。

Ultrapur is the ultra - pure reagent to meet the needs of customers in the semiconductor , new material development , medical , biochemical , agrochemical , and environmental analysis Utrapur之超高純度可輔合半導體,新進材料開發,醫藥,生化,農化及環境分析等領域的需求。

No agrochemical , chemical fertilizer or growth stimulate substances are added , and farming with traditional practices thus cause no harmful to the environment 摒棄使用一切化學農藥肥料生長調節劑,并保留傳統的種植方法,對自然生態無害。

All produces contain no agrochemical or chemical fertilizer and have not been genetically engineered , therefore is harmless to human 所有產品沒有使用化學農藥肥料或基因改造,故可生產出對人體健康無害的食品。

Manufacturer of organic intermediates for the pharmaceutical , dye , and agrochemical industries . overview of capabilities and products -從事高新技術醫藥中間體及染料中間體等精細化工產品的研制與開發。

Approach to the fundamental task and system building of agrochemical service in china at present stage 試論我國現階段農化服務的基本任務與體系建設

Impacts of agrochemical on entironment amp; amp; human health and relevant strategies 農用化學品對生態環境和人類健康的影響及其對策