
agro n.= aggro.


Some thoughts on the development of agro - scientech journal information industry 農業科技期刊信息產業發展幾點思考

Qinghai agro - technology extension 青海農技推廣

Agro - environment and development 農業環境與發展

A study on the construction of agro - scientech in formation network in yunan 基于農業信息化理論的農業現代化研究

The study on agro - modernization based on the theory of agricultural information 云南農業科技信息網絡建設探討

Agro - informationalization and its effect on agricultural industrialization 農業信息化及其對農業產業化的影響

Agro - information network construction in jiangsu province 江蘇省農業信息網網絡建設及網絡信息資源開發與利用

Journal of agro - environment science 農業環境科學學報

The mode of agro - stockbreeding development in new zealand and its revelation 新西蘭農牧業發展模式及其啟示

A discussion on the strategy for agro - mechanization development in chongqing 重慶市農機化發展現狀與對策

Agro - circular economy , a better way to develop our agriculture 發展農業循環經濟是我國現代農業的現實選擇

Agro - vocational education tables 農業職業教育統計表格-

Training - agro - vocational education 培訓資料-農業職業教育

Measures on agro - informationation pushing agro - industrialization 農業信息化推進農業產業化的對策

Deep processing industry of agro - products 農產品深加工業。

Status and countermeasures of agro - machinery working standardization 淺議農機作業標準化的現狀及對策

Work review of qinghai agro - technical extension station in 青海省農業技術推廣總站二00五年工作總結

Regional planning of agro - machinery modernization in huangyuang county 淺析湟源縣農業機械化區域規劃

Some thoughts about newly - industrial development of no . 7 agro - division 農七師新型工業化發展的思考