
agrimony n.【植物;植物學】龍芽草。


Both the complicatedness varieties trees , the thick liquid material that the material differs greatly and the remaining leftover bits after wood processing , wood shaving , sawdust , sub thick liquid , cotton stalk , hemp stalk , bush , crudefiber crop , rice wheatgrass , reed , crudefiber crop , many kinds of goods thick liquid board , wasted paper , bagasse , agrimony etc . canbe fasten separated into the good fibre with higher velocity and proper to rub a block of interval 高濃磨對漿料的適用范圍較廣,無論是樹種復雜,材料差異較大的漿料,還是木材加工后剩余的邊角料,以及蝕花、鋸屑、節子漿、棉稈、麻稈、灌木、枝椏材、稻麥草、芳菲、麻類多種商品漿板、廢紙、甘蔗渣、龍須草等,都能夠以其料高的旋線速成度及適當磨片間隙分離成優質纖維。

Organic oils of mission olive , jojoba , almond , coconut , purity certified castor , wheat germ non - gmo , organic cocoa butter , organic herbs of sage , red clover , burdock , elder flowers , pine needles , ginger , mustard seed , agrimony , lavender , mustard seed , organic essential oils of sage and benzoin 蘆薈杏仁椰子油姜牛蒡薰衣草鵝腸草雛菊可可巴油紫椎花歿藥羅馬甘菊金盞花天竺葵鼠尾草安息香等。

On measuring the content of saponin in agrimony aralia elata 龍芽?木中皂甙含量的測定