
agriculturist n.農民,農場經營者;農學家。

“ of course i ' m not an agriculturist , “ repeated miss ley “當然我不是一個農學家, ”萊伊小姐回答說。


In the surrounding plain , which more resembled a dusty lake than solid ground , were scattered a few miserable stalks of wheat , the effect , no doubt , of a curious desire on the part of the agriculturists of the country to see whether such a thing as the raising of grain in those parched regions was practicable 周圍是一片平地,說是實地,其實是一塊污濁的泥沼,上面零散地長著一些可憐的麥莖。這,無疑的是當地農藝家的好奇心所造成的結果,想看看在這些干熱的地區究竟能不能種植五谷。

Under the same head are also comprised the labours of the agriculturist in growing flax , hemp , cotton , feeding silkworms , rising food for cattle , producing bark , dye - stuffs , some oleaginous plants , and many other things only useful because required in other departments of industry 這種原料生產方面的勞動,還包括農民的下述勞動,如種植亞麻、大麻、棉花、油料作物,養蠶,種飼料,剝樹皮,生產染料以及很多其他東西,生產這些東西僅僅是為了滿足其他工業部門的需要。

Historians can only be led to such a conclusion by the following considerations : that history is written by learned men ; and so it is natural and agreeable to them to believe that the pursuit of their calling is the basis of the movement of the whole of humanity , just as a similar belief would be natural and agreeable to merchants , agriculturists , or soldiers such a belief on their part does not find expression simply because merchants and soldiers dont write history ; and that spiritual activity , enlightenment , civilisation , culture , ideas are all vague , indefinite conceptions , under cover of which they can conveniently use phrases having less definite signification , and so easily brought under any theory 史學家的這種結論只能用以下兩點來說明:第一,歷史是由學者來編寫的,因此,他們自然樂于認為他們那個階層的活動是全人類活動的基礎,就像商人農民和軍人也會有同樣的想法只是由于商人和軍人不寫歷史,所以沒有以文字的形式表達出來。第二,精神活動教育文明文化思想這是一些模糊的不明確的概念,在這些模糊概念的幌子下就更便于使用那些意義更加含混,因而可以隨意編成理論的字句。

But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour ; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population , but , with the imperfect tools and unskillful processes which are for a long time employed ( and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned ) , agriculturists do not , unless in unusually advantageous circumstances of climate and soil , produce so great a surplus of food , beyond their necessary consumption , as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry 但是只有靠大量增加勞動,才能生產出更多的糧食,因此不僅農業人口比起游牧人口來說空閑時間要少得多,而且由于長期使用不完善的工具和不熟練的技藝(在世界上很大一部分地區直到現在仍是這樣) ,除了在氣候和土壤特別有利的情況下,農民們生產不出超過自身消費量很多的余糧,因而供養不了大群從事其他產業的勞動者。

Distracted hens in coops occupied spots where formerly stood chairs supporting sedate agriculturists . the chimney - corner and once blazing hearth was now filled with inverted beehives , in which the hens laid their eggs ; while out of doors the plots that each succeeding householder had carefully shaped with his spade were torn by the cocks in wildest fashion 在壁爐煙囪的墻角和曾經火光熊熊的壁爐旁邊,現在堆滿了倒扣過來的蜂窩,變成了母雞下蛋的雞窩門外的一塊塊園畦,從前每一塊都叫房主拿著鐵鍬拾掇得整整,現在都讓公雞用最野蠻的方式刨得亂七八糟。

He said that fate or providence had thrown in his way a woman who possessed every qualification to be the helpmate of an agriculturist , and was decidedly of a serious turn of mind 他說,命運或者上帝已經給他挑選了一個姑娘,無論從哪方面說,那個姑娘都配得上做一個農業家的伴侶和幫手,也肯定具有端莊穩重的性情。

He had come to this place in a fit of desperation , the brazil movement among the english agriculturists having by chance coincided with his desire to escape from his past existence 他是帶著一種絕望的心情到這個地方來的,因為當時英國農民中出現的一場巴西運動,恰好和他要逃避自己過去生活的愿望不謀而合。

He did not milk cows because he was obliged to milk cows , but because he was learning how to be a rich and prosperous dairyman , landowner , agriculturist , and breeder of cattle 他要擠牛奶并不是因為他非要擠牛奶不可,而是因為他要學會怎樣做一個富有的興旺發達的奶牛場老板地主農業家和畜牧家。

The cottage accommodation at marlott having been in this manner considerably curtailed by demolitions , every house which remained standing was required by the agriculturist for his workpeople 馬洛特村的房屋經過拆除以后,就這樣減少了,所以房主都要把沒有拆除的房屋收回去,給自己的工人住。

After this her dally tasks were gone through heavily enough , and brought on the day which was of great import to agriculturists - the day of the candlemas fair 自此以后,苔絲每天的勞動越來越沉重,時間也就到了對于種地工人具有重大意義的日子,即圣燭節集市的日子。

Certainly i could have wished - well , since my son is to be an agriculturist , it is perhaps but proper that his wife should have been accustomed to an outdoor life 自然我也想過唉,既然我的兒子一定要做一個農業家,那么他娶一個適應戶外生活的妻子也許更合適些。 ”

His entry into the ranks of the agriculturists and breeders was a step in the young man s career which had been anticipated neither by himself nor by others 他進入農夫和牧人的行列,這只是這個年輕人事業中的第一步,也是他自己或者其他的人都不曾預料到的。

“ of course i ' m not an agriculturist , “ repeated miss ley “當然我不是一個農學家, ”萊伊小姐回答說。