
agriculture n.農業,農耕;農業生產;農學。


Concepts that seem likely to contribute to terrestrial agriculture will be identified . 可能對陸生農業作出貢獻的一些新概念將得到驗證。

Agriculture is linked to industry through rural expenditure on manufactures . 農業與工業之間的聯系是通過農村對制成品的消費來進行的。

The only industry mentioned is agriculture and it is discussed in a cursory sentence . 實業方面只談到農業,而且只是匆匆帶了一句。

A detailed analysis of chinese policy changes in agriculture is provided in chapter 5 . 在第五章中將深入分析中國的農業政策改革。

The water resources for the new agriculture will be much more critical than those for energy . 新農業的水資源將比能源更加危急。

Water resources cannot be separated from land resources in irrigated agriculture . 在灌溉農業中,水資源是不能和土地資源分開的。

The use of robotics in agriculture could mean a great leap forward in technology . 在農業生產中使用機器人說明技術上的一大飛躍。

American agriculture has grown and prospered and is the most efficient in the world . 美國的農業已經興旺發達,其效率冠于世界。

Is agriculture actually taxed by sectoral policies, or is it subsidized ? 按照部門政策,農業實際上是上繳了稅還是得到了補貼呢?

To develop agriculture is very important to the national economy and the people 's livelihood . 發展農業是有關國計民生的大事。

S-triazine pesticides are rapidly becoming of increasing importance to agriculture . S-三氮朵苯農藥對農業生產變得越來越重要。

For people who relied on agriculture for their living this was a serious matter . 對于靠務農為生的人來說,這是個很大的缺陷。

Part ii is devoted to trade and pricing policies in world agriculture . 第二部分探討有關世界農業方面的貿易和價格政策問題。

Development of agriculture conflicts with hunting by limiting forest land . 農業的發展減少了森林地區,和狩獵就發生了沖突。

Pest control is one of the major areas of concern in intensive agriculture . 病蟲害防治是集約型農業所關心的主要方面之一。

Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture . 工業的發展同農業的發展密切相關。

Macroeconomic policies can introduce a severe bias against agriculture . 宏觀經濟政策能夠引起嚴重輕視農業的傾向。

Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation 's economy and the people 's livelihood . 農業關系國計民生極大。

But this is not the only way inward-looking strategies affect agriculture . 但這不是內向策略影響農業的唯一手段。